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  • Data: Feb 22, 2024
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  • The research in question aims to investigate the methodological approaches used in teaching the subject of Philosophy in High School, with an emphasis on the use of visual resources, such as photographs, videos, documentaries, paintings and, notably, the use of cinema as a teaching tool. The relationship between the image portrayed by cinema, knowledge and teaching-learning appears to be the main focus of this research approach. In this way, we seek to evaluate the integration of cinematographic language in the high school educational environment, as well as the methodological, theoretical and epistemological issues faced by Philosophy teachers when incorporating these audiovisual resources into their educational practice. The concepts exposed in the works of Gilles Deleuze, Image-movement and Image-time, are used as a theoretical basis for the argument. Consequently, this study emphasizes the importance of cinematographic images in the construction of knowledge in Philosophy, since the subject is mandatory in all educational institutions in the country. Through cinema, young people have the opportunity to explore the philosophical aspects of thought. The teacher has the ability to present a specific learning situation and provide resources, but how the student organizes and uses these resources is a personal responsibility. As a result, the learning process becomes an active and unique construction for the student, allowing them to establish their own meaningful connections and explore diverse perspectives during their educational journey. The teacher, by understanding the appropriate use of cinema in the classroom, can employ this technology as a powerful tool in teaching Philosophy, connecting philosophical content with the scenes selected for display. Finally, final considerations are presented that highlight the relevance of developing this research, considering the challenges faced and the results obtained so far.

  • Inclusion; Pitaguary Village; Indigenous Education; Resource Room; Teacher Training.

  • Data: May 23, 2024
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  • Inclusion has been a hotly debated topic these days as a synonym for promoting equal opportunities and respect for diversity. As a result, the objective of the research is to analyze inclusive practices in multidisciplinary resource rooms in indigenous schools in the Pitaguary community. The theoretical basis of the last 10 years, from 2013 to 2023, allowed us to consider that inclusion from a sociocultural and disability perspective is a fundamental approach to promoting a more egalitarian and inclusive society. This perspective recognizes the importance of valuing and respecting diversity, adapting practices and policies to ensure that all people, regardless of their abilities, have equal access to opportunities, resources and participation in the community. The qualitative research, of the descriptive-interpretative type, will produce data in authorized audio-recorded conversations with teachers from two indigenous schools in the state primary and secondary education network, in Maracanaú and Pacatuba, Ceará. Data interpretation and analysis will be done in analysis categories that will seek to answer the questions: What are the main challenges you face as a teacher when promoting the inclusion of people with disabilities, and how do you deal with these challenges? How do you adapt curriculum and teaching methods to meet the specific needs of students with disabilities? We hope that the results of the analysis point to an inclusive indigenous literacy, whose environment is more egalitarian and that children with disabilities in these schools can integrate into the school environment with successful learning. The findings will provide support for new [and other] inclusive paths, socially and culturally, in indigenous schools.


  • Data: May 24, 2024
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  • The construction of the life and work trajectory of the market women in Baturité, Ceará, goes through a range of relationships, from those involving power and oppression to those involving sociability and affection. Based on oral history and ethnographic elements, a dialogue is created with five market women, seeking to understand how the trajectory of the market women in the Baturité street market has been constructed under the perspective of work, from the categories of gender, work and identity. As a partial result of the research, it is stated that the trajectory of the interlocutors has been built with joy for the work they exert at the fair and with gratitude; however, it is also highlighted a series of daily confrontations and challenges to maintain the sustenance of themselves and the household, besides the denial of fundamental rights, such as education and safety at work.

  •  PAPER MOSAICS: the issue of ethnic-racial identities and decolonial art, in the
    works of Rosana Paulino, in reinterpretations of the Collage Technique.

  • Data: May 27, 2024
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  • Art, throughout history, has functioned as a reflection of society, capturing and shaping the nuances of each era. This research delves into the intersection between art, culture and identity, with an emphasis on the collage technique and its relevance in the decolonial context. The research aims to discuss issues of ethnic-racial identities with UNILAB undergraduate students, using the “Paper Mosaic” collage technique and its contributions to decolonial art in works by Rosana Paulino. Collage, which combines different materials and images to create a cohesive work, is more than a mere form of expression, it reveals multiple cultural and social identities. Therefore, qualitative research of the participant-observation type, the art of collage is proposed in the form of a Pedagogical Workshop in the curricular component “Samba, Capoeira and African and Afro-Brazilian Cultural Manifestations of Places” with students of the Degree in Pedagogy , in the semester of 2023.1, provoked to answer, using the “Paper Mosaic” technique, the question “What is your color?” with the presentation of individual artistic production. In the activity, data collection will be done in the Field Diary and capture of Photographic Images with the description of impressions, records of observations and the researcher's perceptions regarding the performance and development of the didactic proposal for re-reading images in ethnic-racial identities produced in the pedagogical workshop. The interpretative analysis of the collage activity, based on Hall (2003), Echeverria (2009), Quijano (2005) among others, will provide conditions to reflect on a mosaic of cultural and social identities, necessary for a decolonial context whose critical lens will allow us examine art and culture. In settings marked by colonialism, we hope that this art, especially collage, serves as a means of resistance, challenging established narratives and elevating previously marginalized voices.


  • Data: May 29, 2024
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  • This research is a study on the National Policy for Comprehensive Health of the Black Population present in the Curricular Matrix of the Nursing Course at UNILAB. The research was carried out based on the analysis of legal
    documents, such as the Higher Education Curricular Guidelines, the Law of Guidelines and Bases - LDB 9394/96, Opinions of the National Education Council - CNE and the Political-Pedagogical Project of the UNILAB Nursing
    Course. This work's central objective is to seek the meanings of the document of the Political-Pedagogical Project of the UNILAB Nursing Course, from the perspective of the presence of elements of the National Policy for Comprehensive Health of the Black Population - PNSIPN. According to the case study developed, it is possible to present that the National Policy for Comprehensive Health of the Black Population - PNSIPN is succinctly mentioned in the curricular design of the UNILAB nursing course. In the basis of the research, the contribution of the thoughts of authors such as Aníbal Quijano (2005), Cida Bento (2022), Jurema Werneck (2022), Laurence Bardin (1977) and Tiago Rogero (2022) was used. The methods used in the research were: content analysis and case study, as the highlights of the documents were described in a qualitative analysis. Finally, the research found that the PNSIPN is cited in the PPC of the UNILAB Nursing course in the course syllabi and bibliographies, specifically and literally in the complementary bibliography of the Family Health Policy and Knowledge discipline of the 7th semester. Furthermore, the article entitled "Health of the Black Population '' was identified in the complementary bibliography of the subject Fundamentals of Human Sciences Applied to Health, which despite dealing with the same theme, is not literally the PNSIPN. Such information highlights the systematic absence of study of PNSIPN in the training of nurses graduating from the UNILAB course.


  • Data: Jan 18, 2023
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  • The dissertation now presentes proposes a research whose objetc of study was to unsdestand research whose object of study was to understand the processo of African student immigration to the diáspora in the State of Ceará, in addition to analyzing the situation of food and nutrition (in) securitu among this population in the city of Fortaleza and in the Maciço de Baturité Region, Ceará. The work circumscribes investigative axes on African student immigration from Portuguese Speaking Countries (PALOP) countriste to Brazil and Ceará, issues related to the (in) food na nutritional security of this population, also seeking to understand the situation of access na guarantee of these subjects, the challenges faced by these students in the struggle to maintain foof and nutritional of this work was to investugate how access to food accurs among the African student population in Fortaleza na in the Maciço de Baturité Region, Ceará. The construction on the work took place through na interdisciplinar methodology, the data were obtained through bibliographic sources, document analysis and fiel research and content analysis. The subjects who partipipated in the fielde reserch and semi-structures interviems were interviewed five (5) students from the University of Internatuional Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony – UNILAB and onde (1) student frim the Federal University of Ceará. Nem parameters were constructed in relation to the food issue during the interviems, considering food as a social, political, integration and culture and fooo sovereignty condition beyond the borders betwenn countries and continentes. It was observed that some predictors, such as increased food costs, socieconomic factors, food consumption conditions and health problems, lack of policies and actions to strengthen African culture and food sovereignty in university spaces, are some of the factors that generate insecurity. Food and nutrition in the daily lives of these students. The subjects of thse researches also reported that foof is a matter of human right, with several implications that affect the guarantee of a food that is culturally and affecttively thougtht of in the integration, in the memories and in the remembrances of their countries, communities and rituals, Family members and the like.


  • Data: Mar 31, 2023
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  • The present text comes from the experience in the Postgraduate scheme Interdisciplinary in Humanities from the University of the International Integration of Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira-Unilab, located in the micro-region of the cerrado from Baturité. The objective research through the perspective of the on the historical and dialectical materialism seeks to accomplish an analysis of the existing contradictions in the Professional Education of High School in Ceará making an indentation in the precariousness of teaching work in view of the amendment of the Law of Guidelines and Bases by the Law 13.415/17. This law flexibilized the education adapting it to the demands and requirements of a neo-liberal state, in which education became something of a necessarily marketing character, and such a situation will cause immeasurable damage to the formation of the Brazilian working class that has always been oppressed and relegated to the scarcest jobs and educational training. As a methodology, the resource of oral history will be used as a source of valorization of the voice of the teaching professionals who are feeling the impact of this whole process that was mandatory to implement, at the national level, the present year of this survey. In addition to the speeches of these important protagonists, formal sources such as the Decrees, Laws and Resolutions of education will be used, especially those that deal with high school professional education, as well as data obtained from IBGE, SEDUC and sources from theorists and scholars in the professional field focused on Brazilian high school education.

  • Data: Mar 31, 2023
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  • The present dissertation has as its central scope the production of oral sources, from the life experiences of "gay men", experienced in the urban and rural context of the city of Baturité in the interior of Ceará. As a methodology, oral history is used, and as a method, life history that aims to reveal the dynamics of social relations of gender and class from the experiences of oneself, and with the different institutions, making it possible to understand their sociocultural relations and the processes of construction of the subjectivities of LGBTQIA+ bodies, specifically, “gay men”, cisgender, in Baturité-CE. The definition of this field of study is based on the historical and sociocultural (in)visibility of this population and, also, on the production of situated knowledge, in the context of the Massif of Baturité. The theoretical and methodological contribution is apprehended from Thompson (1978); Bosi (1994); Portelli (1997), Delgado (2003); Frank (2004; 2020); Blonde (2003). In this challenge, the consolidation of this work in the face of adversities, reflections and everyday material absences, is related to the look and breath that the collaborating subjects of this process took to build the narrative of their experiences. In this sense, it is recognized that both in the methodological theoretical perspective and the depth of the different dimensions expressed in these narratives a significant contribution to the continuity of this study from other research issues.


  • Data: May 23, 2023
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  • Hunger is a global bio-socioeconomic phenomenon, which can negatively affect people's health, their cognition, and their insertion in society. From this perspective, it deserves a special attention at the national level, since, because of its consequences, it can constitute one of the greatest obstacles to the socioeconomic development of a nation. This work, therefore, aims to reflect, introductory, on the causes of “hidden hunger” and its social and economic consequences in Africa. If hunger, as a biological and socioeconomic phenomenon, significantly affects its victim, as it disrupts their sociocognitive, emotional and biological state, and therefore has social and economic costs for the nation. For the realization of these gols, a bibliographical and documentary study was carried out, which allows the understanding of hunger beyond the simple fact of not eating, as it is also the total or partial lack of any vital nutritional principle (vitamin, mineral and protein). Therefore, it can cause many problems, such as nutritional epidemiologies, which can disrupt the process of human development, which, in turn, causes losses to the family and the State. Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that hunger is a serious problem for the effective development of a nation. This work is far from supporting any determinism, because, throughout history, it is possible to stop with many nations that face epidemics of hunger, but that today overcome this phenomenon and a large part of their people are no longer hungry. However, this should not be used as an excuse to underestimate the consequences of hunger, as it is highly lethal and capable of retarding the development of a nation.

  • Identidade, Territorialidade e Resistência: Um Estudo de Caso da Comunidade Remanescente Quilombola do Córrego dos Iús – Acaraú/CE.

  • Data: Jun 23, 2023
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  • O presente estudo tem a proposta de investigar elementos que caracterizam a Comunidade Remanescente Quilombola do Córrego dos Iús. A lógica de investigação adotada foi a etnografia, por esta permitir a compreensão de prováveis razões concernentes à luta da Comunidade dos Iús pelo reconhecimento e existência enquanto quilombolas. A investigação utilizou-se de uma questão fundamental: Como e por que identificar-se e lutar pelo reconhecimento, diante das ações de apagamento, e de que modo tal identidade está embrionariamente ligada à terra, fomentando os movimentos de resistência? Através da imersão e observação participante junto à Comunidade, realização de entrevistas e análise de documentos escritos, a pesquisa buscou indicar as famílias-tronco vinculadas ao processo de origem da Comunidade, bem como suas práticas culturais ancestrais e o papel das mulheres para as permanências da identidade cultural quilombola, além de mapear os conflitos de terra travados com grupos de empresários, latifundiários e políticos locais, interessados em vilipendiar a Comunidade Remanescente de Quilombo do Córrego dos Iús, para então, usurpar as terras das quais ancestralmente são guardiões. Esta não é uma investigação sobre a Comunidade Remanescente Quilombola do Córrego dos Iús, mas junto a ela, com a participação dos seus membros na construção de um documento que não se propõe a ser a solução dos problemas que assolam à Comunidade, mas um instrumento de fortalecimento da sublevação contra a violação de direitos, a negação da existência e a invasão à localidade na qual os Iús estão há mais de um século fixados e são protetores.

  • Between Amen and Axé: the interreligious relations of Umbanda in the shadow of the Basilica of São Francisco das Chagas, in Canindé/CE

  • Data: Jun 28, 2023
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  • The present study addresses itself to inter-religious relations, present in the town of Canindé/CE, and its phenomenon of dual belonging, involving Umbanda and
    Catholicism. Every year, thousands of people visit Canindé, seeking to strengthen their faith and pay promises to São Francisco das Chagas. In addition, this study
    approaches its attention to some indigenous influences in the local umbanda, proposing (i) to analyze the history of the native peoples of the Canindé region, highlighting
    their origins in the traditional afro-indigenous culture; (ii) understand the historical and social role of Umbanda in Canindé and the Franciscan and popular Catholic
    influences in its framework. Finally, the research also aimed to understand the dynamism of the religious circuit, the conflicts, confluences and resistance of the terreiro
    people, present in traditional communities, in interference/convergence with the culture of the pilgrimage and the Franciscan cult, predominant in the town and beyond its
    region. For this, as a methodological tool, we used semi-structured interviews with two Mães de Santo from Canindé, namely Mãe Marica de Iemanjá and Mãe Herlânia
    de Oyá, in addition to carrying out ethnography approaches in their terreiros and in the surroundings of the of São Francisco’s Basilic, where the circulation of pilgrims is
    intense all year round.


  • Data: Jun 28, 2023
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  • O objetivo central desta pesquisa foi compreender as trajetórias de formação inicial e continuada dos (as) professores (as) que atua na escola E.M.E.I.E.F. Doutor Edimilson Barros de Oliveira e a escola E.M.E.I.E.F. Sebastião José Ribeiro, analisando em que medida essas trajetórias formativas contribuem para práticas docentes antirracistas em sala de aula e para a incorporação de discussões das questões étnico-raciais para a formação educacional dos alunos do ensino fundamental ano iniciais; A metodologia empreendida foi o estudo de caso, realizou-se entrevistas com 08 (oito) professoras das duas escolas supracitadas, inclui-se como procedimentos metodológicos: a observação in loco e análise documental dos projetos pedagógicos das escolas lócus da pesquisa. Os dados empíricos e documentais foram analisados à luz do referencial teórico de Munanga (2003, 2005), Gomes (2021), Ribeiro (2019), Freire (1981, 1996, 2000) entre outros. A pesquisa apontou para a importância dos princípios e orientações destas legislações e das orientações presentes nas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para a Educação das Relações Étnico-Raciais e para o Ensino de História e Cultura Afro-Brasileira e Africana para a formação de professores(as) e dos(as) alunos(as). Para termos uma escola comprometida com a educação antirracista, para termos um ambiente escolar com educadores(as) e profissionais da educação que identificam e combatam o racismo é crucial o investimento na formação dos(as) professores(as), assim como, envolver todos que fazem parte da comunidade escolar, incluindo a comunidade externa à escola.

  • Data: Jun 29, 2023
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  • The research aims to present the interface of Social Assistance Policies and the Bolsa Família Program in the Quilombola Community of Conceição dos Caetanos in
    Tururu. For this purpose, we endorse the reflections through the historiography of social policies, since the formation of the Modern State in Brazil and in the State of
    Ceará. The methodological approach of the investigation was the bibliographic review method, through books, magazines and scientific journals, as well as
    questionnaires were applied and oral interviews were carried out with professionals from the Social Assistance Secretariat and quilombola subjects. In this scenario,
    theorists such as Eric Hobsbawn (2007; 2009), Bering and Boschetti (2008), Marx (2013) and Neyara Araújo (2000), helped us to obtain a better understanding of
    studies about Social Policies, their implications, effectiveness and benefits for the working class. Focusing on the Black Movement and the remaining quilombo
    community present in the interior of Ceará and the nuances of its trajectory, we consulted the research of Mariana Assunção (2009), Janote Marques (2013),
    Alecsandro Ratts (1991), Abdias Nascimento (2006) , José Reis (1995), Joselina Silva (2003), Kabengele Munanga (1994), Clóvis Moura (2021) foundations for research in
    order to interpret how Social Assistance Policies are being developed, and the Bolsa Família Program in the community of Tururu. The result of the research shows the
    importance of income transfer programs for the inclusion of traditional communities remaining from quilombos, as well as the insertion of the Social Assistance policy
    in the community, its nuances, advances, weaknesses and the affirmation and recognition of rights in policies public.


  • Data: Jun 29, 2023
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  • This work is based on analysis of “Identity Games and Democratic Dispute in Guinea-Bissau, from its political stage and current ethnic relations”, considering the process of political formation and its ongoing transition. Consequently, the work aims to understand the dynamics of ethnic belonging, its emotions in the guinean democracy and sociopolitical scenario. Therefore, fore the development of the work, we will take advantage of quali-interdisciplinary methodology, in its depths and cautions as a theorical and methodological procedure that seeks to solve our problem. From a structural point of view, this work was merged into four (4) sections, in addition to the introduction and final considerations. In this sense, the first section analyzes the democratic manipulation in the Guinean political game; later in the second section, we will focus on the impacts of ethnicity on guinean political Society; and in the third section we will talk about identities and their influences on guinean political discourse. In the fourth section, we will analyzed the issue of democratic manipulation in the guinean political game; as well as impacts on ethnicity in guinean political Society; and in the same section we will also talk about identities and their influences on guinean political discourse. Furthermore, it is emphasized that ethnic issues in the political dispute persist in the regional and international influences of this conflict, wich we do not intented to unravel here in more detail


  • Data: Jun 30, 2023
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  • Sociology is not a specialized and conformist science that merely analyzes and interprets complex social realities. Rather, it is a critical, reflective, and questioning discipline that seeks to understand the social world in all its complexity. In Angola, sociology must be capable of producing a unique and locally relevant sociological thought that takes into account the country's particularities, experiences, and cultures. This requires a transgressive and pragmatic approach that goes beyond the confines of the academic office and engages with the realities of everyday life. Our objective in this study is to propose the construction of an Angolan sociological thought that can methodically and epistemically analyze the complex social reality of the country's social structure. To achieve this, we advocate a shift away from 'desk sociology' and towards a qualitative approach that draws on documentary and bibliographic research and is grounded in a comprehensive understanding of the  discipline. However, changing the paradigms of Angolan sociology is fundamental, urgent, and necessary. This involves embracing a theoretical, pragmatic, transgressive, questioning, epistemic, and unsettling practice that is relevant to the country's unique social reality. Through the development of an Angolan sociological thought, we can understand the collective and individual consciousness of thinking and doing science, and gain a non-specialized trained gaze on the sociocultural and epistemic context of social reality. This includes a deeper understanding of issues such as corruption, flattery, scientific recession, and other specific and unique aspects of the slums and shantytowns of the Angolan social structure.

  • The past meets the present and the future: Sundy Community and Sustainable development in Principe's Island

  • Data: Jun 30, 2023
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  • The present study aims to investigate the relationship between the tourist enterprise of the company HBD and the resettlement of the Sundy Community, located in Príncipe, São Tomé and Príncipe. Based on the developmental discourse and through an ethnographic, bibliographical and documentary approach, it is intended to establish a look that broadens our horizons in a more ethical and empathetic way for an alternative emancipatory construction of African communities and societies, which have come being swallowed up by imports of ineffective economic development practices. In this sense, we want to understand how these projects contribute to the propagation of social inequalities, starting from the perspective that São Tomé and Príncipe is a country that experienced Portuguese colonization and carries with it memories that interfere in its daily performance.The analysis of the concept of development and sustainability with characteristics of an imported discourse, stands out in this work, being incongruous to the different African realities. As a mere formalism, a development based only on economic reflections, where it does not allow thinking and analyzing these different realities and how community social relations can determine this understanding for the African perspective. This work is important due to the need to look from the inside out, rewriting the narrative imposed by colonialist cartography. For this, we embarked concept of writing to denounce and rewrite our history.


  • Data: Jul 29, 2023
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  • The present work seeks to bring an understanding of embroidery as an art, with a look at expression that articulates the production of sensations and uniqueness from an interdisciplinary perspective. It brings as object of research the works of José Leonilson Dias, a plastic artist from Ceará, who stood out in the 70s, 80s and 90s, with national and international repercussions. In the last years of his production, he brought embroidery as a technical and artistic resource to compose his works. The interdisciplinary analysis comprises the historical context of the artist, prioritizing moments, sensations and the way in which he characterizes embroidery as art. This work seeks to deepen readings with theoretical reference to define the sensations of the following authors: Félix Guattari and Gilles Deleuze. They approach the differentiation between representation and expression (emotions/reason), making mention of effects and percepts. This research has the following objectives: Understanding the historical context in relation to the production of sensations and subjectivity, present in the works of the artist José Leonilson Dias; to analyze in the works of this artist the process of embroidery as a craft in artistic production; Characterize embroidery as an art in the expression of sensations. This research uses cartography as a "methodological procedure", making a rhizomatic map, which brings innumerable perspectives of decentralization of the self in relation to the collective and with documental analysis. Therefore, the research intends to cover the relationship between author and artistic production beyond the subject and subjectivity of standards established by the criteria of other instances of modeling.


  • Data: Sep 15, 2023
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  • As escolas do campo apresentam uma proposta educativa que promovem a formação humano- integral dos sujeitos educados. Nessa perspectiva, esse modelo educacional é fruto de políticas públicas gestadas por meio da organização e da luta coletiva dos movimentos sociais por uma educação de qualidade para os camponeses (as). Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho objetiva compreender e discutir a contribuição da Educação do Campo na formação humano-integral dos educandos (as) da Escola Francisca Pinto dos Santos- (Ocara-CE), e, nisso, visa ao desenvolvimento da cidadania da juventude camponesa mediante a constituição de sujeitos críticos e engajados em suas realidades humanas e sociais. Para tanto, nossa metodologia constou de leitura e revisão de material bibliográfico; discussão da organização curricular do estabelecimento de ensino com foco na parte diversificada; apresentação e discussão dos trabalhos dos componentes curriculares: Prática Social e Comunitária (PSC); Organização do Trabalho e Técnica Produtiva (OTTP), e, sobretudo, do Projeto de Estudo Pesquisa- (PEP)- na discussão das pesquisas estudantis. Ademais, tivemos visitas de campo, entrevistas semiestruturadas com sujeitos focais como: docentes das disciplinas da base diversificada e educandos (as) da terceira série do ensino médio. Desse modo, entendemos que a proposta da Educação do Campo na Escola Francisca Pinto dos Santos (Ocara-CE) é um terreno fecundo e próspero para se pensar a formação humano-integral da juventude camponesa através da constituição de sujeitos ativamente integrados em seus contextos sociais, favorecendo, assim, o exercício da cidadania cotidiana.

  • The struggle of Indigenous Peoples for insertion, permanence and completion, at the University of the International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony/UNILAB/CE.

  • Data: Sep 26, 2023
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  • This research aims to analyze the struggle for insertion and permanence, as well as the completion of indigenous students in higher education at UNILAB. It seeks to understand this process, the difficulties and achievements with the arrival to the academic space in this University by the original peoples. For this, methodologically, interviews will be conducted in the indigenous villages to record the speeches of enrolled students, as well as graduates of this University, as well as the application of a form sent from the WhatsApp group of the collective of indigenous students-COESI, in addition to the use of various written sources, for example, the methodology of oral history. We have as a starting point my trajectory as a student of the Interdisciplinary Master's Degree in Humanities of the Graduate Program of the Institute of Humanities, of the University of the International Integration of Afro-Brazilian LusophonyUNILAB. Thanks to an edict aimed specifically at indigenous peoples and quilombolas, I was able to enter and carry out my studies in 2021 at this University. My research is part of the line: Work, development and migrations that was essential for the inclusion of my research, because it meets the chosen theme, highlighting the challenges that we indigenous peoples go through when we wish to participate and be included in something that is still so exclusionary, the University. The participation of indigenous people in Higher Education emphasizes the commitment and consideration for the native peoples of our country, enabling us to enter academic environments, before not being a reality for my village, my people and my relatives from all over Brazil. However, not only the entry, but the permanence and completion of this inclusive educational process should be emphasized in this research, evidencing data and reporting the evidence and strategies for a better future for us, indigenous peoples. With the visitation in the indigenous villages, methodologically recording the students' reports and with the registration of form and bibliographic research, I aimed to obtain records that allow the expansion of sources of research and recognition of the indigenous peoples of Ceará and highlight this importance of the occupation of the university environment by the original peoples. Keywords: Indigenous; University educatio.

  • Percepções do/no urbano: reflexões a partir das narrativas juvenis unilabianas e da produção de ocupações criativas no interior do Ceará.

  • Data: Sep 29, 2023
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  • O processo de interiorização do ensino superior, no Brasil, acarreta um conjunto de transformações, sejam educacionais, econômicas, culturais, sociais, ou mesmo populacionais, em contextos específicos. É em uma dessas especificidades que esse processo se enraíza na cidade de Redenção, localizada no Estado do Ceará, através da instalação da Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira (Unilab), paulatinamente se consolidando como uma nova centralidade da educação, e possibilitando a entrada de um contingente estudantil na cidade, principalmente no urbano. Essas alterações geram impactos nos territórios intraurbanos da cidade, a partir da intensificação de demandas ou a constituição de novas, tais como: habitação, saneamento básico, equipamentos públicos, iluminação, espaços urbanos para atividades de lazer, encontro, socialização e vivências. O presente contexto gera inquietações, a partir do vislumbre das relações que as juventudes universitárias passam a estabelecer com os territórios, constituindo-se, assim, o objetivo de analisar e refletir sobre como as juventudes universitárias, unilabianas, percebem e se percebem dentro da estrutura urbana de Redenção, e como elas buscam, mediante estes sentidos, criar estratégias de pertencimentos, a partir de ocupações criativas dos espaços urbano públicos. O objetivo disposto é pesquisado em uma perspectiva interdisciplinar, visto a multidimensionalidade que acompanha os objetos de estudo e, metodologicamente, por meio da abordagem qualitativa, tomando como método o estudo de caso, e técnicas, como a observação participante e as entrevistas, que possibilitaram contato com as narrativas dos sujeitos, acerca das experiências cotidianas de uso dos territórios intraurbanos da cidade. Na perspectiva de pensar o objetivo deste trabalho, ou seja, analisar as percepções do urbano pelas juventudes, abordaremos as dinâmicas territoriais produzidas por eles, que serão vislumbradas, aqui, enquanto ocupações criativas atividades que podem indiciar as percepções dos sujeitos, suas relações com os territórios e possibilitar a aproximação necessária que possa mediar o acionamento de sujeitos para as entrevistas. Destarte, com as entrevistas e colhimento das narrativas, em conjunto com as observações e escutas, poderemos identificar e analisar as percepções que são produzidas, através da mobilidade juvenil no urbano.


  • Data: Oct 26, 2023
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  • Mozambique has a rich and long cultural tradition of the coexistence of different races, ethnic and religious groups, and this reflects the diversity of cultural values that together create the identities of modern Mozambique. The 1990 Constitution introduced the democratic rule of law in the country and that same constitution established the principle according to which the state promotes the development of national culture and personality and guaranteed the free expression of traditions and values of Mozambican society (ART. 1, CRM, 1990). The main objective of this research proposal is to study marrabenta, one of the sound symbols of Mozambican cultural identity. In view of this, it is in our interest to analyze the Marrabenta dance as one of the symbols of the cultural identity of the Shona and Bitonga peoples in southern Mozambique, taking the period between 2010-2020 as a time frame. In order to carry out this work, it is intended to carry out bibliographic reviews, focusing on qualitative and documental approaches and/or analyses, using data collection and semi-structured interviews as a research technique, with artists and specialists of this musical and dance style as interlocutors.


  • Data: Nov 16, 2023
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  • The main focus of this dissertation is to present a discuss about the protagonist and the daily struggle of quilombola women in the community of Alto Alegre, county of Horizonte – Ceará. The agency of Quilombola women in Alto Alegre is perceived from the different roles of decision-making, in domestic, religious, productive, educational and organizational spaces. Women participates in the fight for territory, resisting in various ways, via union policy, party, representative politics, via organization and leadership of everyday social aspects. In the interaction with the quilombola women, a group of which I am a member, it was possible to listen, learn, understand and dialogue about the importance of the daily practices that they carry out, creating a movement of (re)existence in the territory and through the territory. It is in everyday life that quilombola women transgress the oppressive system and create solidarity networks that, when constituted, expand the epistemic field of mutual, collective, ancestral knowledge. Diverse knowledge that contribute to the strengthening of the identity of woman, black, quilombola. The way of life, the variety of arrangements these women have, which is the very way of being a quilombola, was observed as the object of this qualitative research, based on recorded informal conversations, field observation and groups in the format of conversation circles. Supported by the interdisciplinarity established between History and Anthropology (RATTS, 2012; HAMPATE BÂ, 2010), and the literature on black women (OYĚWÙMÍ, 2004; CARNEIRO, 2011) in addition to reflections on identity and territory (NASCIMENTO, 1985; SANTOS, 2015) it was possible to accomplish this work.


  • Data: Nov 27, 2023
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  • Esta pesquisa buscou analisar as práticas pedagógicas que envolvem a linguagem escrita de professoras do Infantil V de uma Escola Municipal e de um Centro de Educação Infantil da rede de ensino de Fortaleza. Desse modo, buscou descrever as práticas pedagógicas com a linguagem escrita desenvolvidas no Infantil V e relacionar o que preconizam os documentos oficiais da Educação Infantil (DCNEI, 2009; BNC, 2017) acerca da alfabetização e do letramento com as práticas pedagógicas que envolvem a linguagem escrita realizadas pelas professoras regentes das salas observadas. Para alcançar esses objetivos, a investigação recorreu às discussões sobre a linguagem verbal em sua modalidade escrita, articulada com a oralidade, refletindo sobre a complexidade desse objeto cultural como sistema de representação e prática social, como também sobre a indissociabilidade dos processos de letramento e alfabetização na Educação Infantil. Desse modo, a pesquisa apoiou-se em autores como Marcuschi (1997); Ferreiro; Teberosky (1999), Vygotsky (2007), Luria (2010), Soares (2017), Tfouni (1995), Moraes (2012), Brandão; Leal (2011), Mortatti (2010) Street (2014), dentre outros. Recorreu-se também às orientações expressas nos documentos oficiais que regem o trabalho na Educação Infantil: as DCNEI (BRASIL, 2009) e a BNCC (BRASIL, 2017). A pesquisa adotou uma abordagem de natureza qualitativa do tipo estudo de caso múltiplo e teve como campo uma Escola Municipal e um Centro de Educação Infantil da Rede Municipal de Ensino de Fortaleza. As participantes do estudo foram uma docente da EM e uma docente do CEI que atuavam em turmas do Infantil V. Os procedimentos metodológicos foram observações em campo, por cerca de dois meses, e entrevista ao final das observações. Outras estratégias de registro como anotações no diário de campo, fotografias, gravação de áudios e vídeos foram adotadas. Realizou-se também a aplicação de um questionário na fase exploratória da pesquisa. A análise dos dados foi subsidiada pela análise temática de conteúdo. A pesquisa constatou que as professoras exploraram a linguagem escrita com as crianças, considerando a sua complexidade, tendo em vista seu entrelaçamento com a oralidade, como também o entendimento de que a escrita pode ser concebida como um sistema de representação no qual a criança percorrer um caminho para desvendar sua lógica e prática social materializada por meio de gêneros orais e escritos. Contudo, foi possível identificar em alguns momentos, nas práticas pedagógicas realizadas pelas professoras, a escrita proposta de maneira mecânica e destituída de sentido, com pouca exploração de materiais, ambientes e posturas corporais. Ao relacionar o que preconizam os documentos oficiais da Educação Infantil (DCNEI, 2009; BNC, 2017) acerca da alfabetização e letramento com as práticas pedagógicas que envolvem a linguagem escrita realizadas pelas professoras regentes das salas observadas, foi revelado que os referidos documentos dialogam com o processo de letramento, sendo a  alfabetização invisibilizada. Consideramos que a pesquisa pode contribuir com as políticas de formação continuada voltadas para professores da Educação Infantil, por meio do aprofundamento sobre a linguagem escrita e sua complexidade e a perspectiva indissociável do letramento e da alfabetização, bem como ampliar o olhar sobre os documentos que regem essa etapa educativa.


  • Data: Jan 19, 2022
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  • This work aims to understand how and to what extent the Yorubá conception of Orí can be understood as a foundation for the formation of a self-determined human being. In Yorubá, Orí means “the head”, however, the philosophical-theological sense connected to the word refers more to the interior head, the interior of the skull, which symbolizes personal destiny. Orí is also the name given to Òrìşà, deity of the head, who is the guide and protector of every human being in the world. In the Yorubá tradition, it is believed that before an individual comes to Ayé, the visible world, he chooses his Orí in the Ó̩run, the invisible world, and this process of choice is associated with the choice of destiny, as Orí-reré (Orí or positive destiny) is linked to success and Orí-burúkú (Orí or negative destiny) represents the opposite. This is a bibliographical research carried out through analysis/interpretation and criticism of writings about the Yorubá world and mainly about the Yorubá culture in Nigeria and Brazil. The Yorubá are people originally from West Africa, but today their culture has internationalized between Africa and its diasporas, specifically in Brazil. This was due to the transatlantic trade of enslaved, when many of these people were uprooted to Brazil, mainly in the 19th century. It was found that this conception of Orí is, among other meanings, a foundation for the self-determination of the human person, insofar as it constitutes an orientation of the personal existential becoming; it was also found that Orí, as a symbol of destiny, can be corrected, it remains positive or negative depending, to a large extent, on the way in which the human person conducts his or her existence. Self-determination refers to the ability to guide oneself before the help of others in the permanent search for individual and collective balance, as only when the individual is self-determined can he be effectively helped and help others in this incessant search for balance in existence human.


  • Data: May 30, 2022
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  • Cheio de mitos e significados, o movimento abolicionista cearense emergiu na segunda metade do século XIX à mercê de projetos emancipacionistas que ousaram instaurar o progresso na província, a partir de abolições pensadas deliberadamente na promoção das sociedades libertadoras e no prestígio político alcançados mediante a causa do fim oficial da escravidão. A abolição do Ceará se converteu em um cenário de transformações emergentes, oriundas de novas alternativas ideológicas, inovações tecnológicas e desenvolvimento da imprensa, aos moldes da belle époque, encorpadas por uma elite letrada, que usufruía dessas mudanças para a construção de uma sociedade “civilizada”. Por estes fatores, o presente estudo orientou-se pelos seguintes objetivos: investigar o processo abolicionista do Ceará a partir do discurso da imprensa oitocentista; entender os trâmites políticos, sociais e econômicos que permeavam a realidade cearense para a efetivação da liberdade dos escravizados; analisar o uso da imprensa como legitimadora da abolição e para a autopromoção dos abolicionistas; e compreender a importância do discurso impresso para a construção do imaginário sobre a abolição no Ceará. Assim, usou-se um arcabouço metodológico sustentado pela pesquisa qualitativa e documental, a partir de uma análise crítica do processo abolicionista, tendo como base jornais do século XIX, produzidos no Ceará, no qual dialogamos com os periódicos Constituição (órgão conservador), Gazeta do Norte (órgão liberal) e o Libertador (órgão abolicionista), uma vez que, a escolha estratégica desses veículos informativos se deu pelo viés ideológico múltiplo que possibilitou identificar em seus editoriais diferentes abordagens sobre o tema da escravização e da abolição no Ceará. Diante dessa questão, as escolhas pautadas tiveram o interesse em adentrar no contexto histórico dos primeiros anos da década de 1880 - período mais conhecido pelo ápice do movimento abolicionista cearense - visando buscar novas interpretações que problematizem o enredo disseminado na imprensa, que retrata a abolição como ato “heróico e humanitário”, ou seja, a representação articulada da imprensa com as sociedades libertadoras ao descreverem em suas colunas as conquistas, a propaganda, o festival e a repercussão do espetáculo da abolição orquestrada pela ótica dos abolicionistas.



  • Data: Jun 14, 2022
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  • International relations are the topic of our interest, particularly studies about the global South, where colonial processes interfere intensely, generating the North-South division. We seek to reflect on the symbolic dimension of political and diplomatic discourses, namely around cooperation between Brazil and Africa, which extol the need to repair a historic debt. We analyze South-South Cooperation from its historical evolution and from some academic currents, presenting the Bandung Conference as the inaugural event. It is in this context that the United Nations - UN presents instruments and measures of access to the rights of peoples and nations historically marginalized and oppressed by colonialism. Angola and Brazil are part of this group of nations and have cultural ties and a history of relationships that also represent a bridge of connection with Africa, an object of resignification for the Brazilian government. Similar public policy programs are identified in both countries, some of them implemented through negotiations between the presidents. Higher Education is one of the areas reformulated, through expansion and internalization, so that, in Brazil, it stands out as a policy of delitization of the University, and, in Angola, it stands out with the resizing of the Agostinho Neto University. Considering the assumptions of Critical Discourse Analysis - CDA, cooperation agreements between universities in both countries are the central object of this research, in which we analyze the document models adopted and some specific situations in which they are signed. Despite the fact that each institution operates with different structural conditions and regional contexts, the discourse on international cooperation in Brazilian universities is similar. Therefore, we exemplify very different institutional experiences, with the purpose of understanding the formalities and events that operationalize the discourse of international cooperation. We verified that the so-called South is not unified and neither does it manifest itself on the same side, which implies saying that the institutional principles of horizontality and common interests may be incoherent.

  • José Rafael Barros de Moraes
  • Data: Jun 27, 2022
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  • This research aims to analyze how LGBTQIA + subjects are included in the world of work in a stereotyped way in view of the valorization of capital. The world of work from the perspective of sexual identities, is still designed for heterosexual workers who do not stray from the norm of the traditional family, with this, workers with LGBTQIA + identities are valued as a commodity, both in the sale of the workforce and also in selling their identities , there are few in the formal market, this is what we call a single LGBTQIA + subject. The research is engaged with “socially shared memory” (PORTELLI, 1997, p. 16), of the world of work told by LGBTQIA + subjects, and also, as this counter-hegemonic movement (GRAMSCI, 2011), is organized in the city of Sobral / EC, in the struggle for basic human material needs. Methodologically, the research is carried out through the dialectical analysis of the voices of LGBTQIA + workers from Sobral-CE. Therefore, an ontology of the Work category, inspired by Marx, is the guiding thread to discuss what we have come to call “inclusive exclusion and excluding inclusion” Kuenzer (2002), of LGBTQIA + workers in the city of Sobral-CE. We also emphasize that the methodological path intersects the class struggle with the struggle for the right to live, gaining sexual and gender identity. Furthermore, it allows us to tell the story of subjects who resist the forms of alienation arising from capitalist norms, and also, of conceiving our sexuality beyond the heteronormative hegemony of capitalist sociability.

  • Gender, work and education: writing experience of being a teacher in the municipal network of Acarape – Ceará (2017 – 2020).

  • Data: Jun 27, 2022
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  • The present master's dissertation comes from the experience in the Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Program in Humanities, of the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony-Unilab, an institution located in the Ceará micro-region of the Baturité massif. The research has the financial support of Fundação Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (FUNCAP - CE) and aims to reflect on the relationship between gender, work and education from the writings of temporary teachers in the municipal public network of Acarape-Ceará. The precariousness of the teaching work practice in that municipality is something that interferes in the work relationships and in the social construction of the teachers, as well as in the quality of municipal education. The discussion goes through the ontological reflections from the concepts of work to the current conditions of the teaching worker, in addition to integrating the discussion of gender and education. We also emphasize the presence of the discussion about Covid-19 and the structuring of remote classes during the pandemic period in Acarape. In order to do so, we start from a feminist and interdisciplinary reflection to understand from the ontological concepts of the world of work and its vicissitudes, how this precariousness is established in practice and interferes in the personal life and way of working of these teachers. The methodological approach of the investigation is qualitative and presents itself from the perspective of historical materialism - dialectic. The guiding thread of analysis is processed by the articulation of different sources (oral and written) prioritizing the speeches of fellow teachers who proposed to collaborate with the research. With the intention of building knowledge from the acquired and lived experiences, this work talks about and for women who work as teachers and, despite being in a precarious situation, they remain active and believing that education is still capable of transforming people.

  • Data: Jun 28, 2022
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  • The present work aims to present the importance of food. for the ethnic and cultural affirmation of the Pitaguary people, inhabitant of the state of Ceará, relating it to the curriculum guidelines of indigenous schools (Opinion: CNE/CEB no13/2012) and the application of law 11.645/08, with a view to supporting education indigenous school/education based on cooking as a cultural expression. The methodology used was primarily based on the literature review as a way of obtaining prior knowledge and deepening on the subject in question, and had as main source the oral interviews (ALBERTI, 1996) carried out with the local inhabitants, firstly highlighting the old trunks and some community leaders. With this we have an ethno-cultural record, which should also be used as teaching material in the respective schools of the community, as it contains traditional knowledge, techniques and artifacts used not only in their culinary preparations but also for the construction of the culture and traditions of the indigenous people. Pitaguary-Ce. In this context, scholars such as Hobsbawm (1997), Garcia (1999), Gomes (2004), Pollak (1989), and Baniwa (2006) help us to better understand indigenous traditions, their social movements, and the struggles for the preservation of their culture.


  • Data: Jun 30, 2022
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  • This text produced inUnilab's Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Humanities, in the Education, Politics and Language Research Line, is the result of research, with the objective of investigating whether the curricular components included in the curriculum of the Pedagogy course at UNILAB-CE, contribute to the future teachers build the knowledge necessary for the practice of an anti-racist education. Facing injustice and inequalities in Brazilian educational systems is a challenge, and one of the main objectives for the educational system has become the task of planning, guiding and accompanying the formulation and implementation of educational policies, considering the diversities of ethnic-racial groups as indigenous communities and Afro-descendant populations. The theoretical contributions that are contributing to the debate on the issue of ethnic-racial relations in carrying out this research, permeated by dialogues with MUANGA (1990, 1994, 2004, 2005, 2015), GOMES (2003, 2005, 2010, 2011, 2012 ), hooks (2013), SOUSA (1983), FREYRE (1900-1987) ALMEIDA (2019) SILVA-MELLO (2017), HOUNTONDJI (1996), GATTI (2010) among others. We believe that the thoughts brought by these authors contribute to the dialogue of the articulation between ethnic-racial issues as themes and discussions in the field of teacher training, as an essential debate around an anti-racist education, developing thus, a decolonizing thought and praxis. Therefore, the research is based on a qualitative approach and, in view of the objective outlined, we took as an empirical field the Pedagogy course at Unilab-CE and its Pedagogical Project of the Course (PPC). Its methodological process consists of bibliographic consultations on approaches referring to teacher training, black movement, law 10. 639/03, later in the analysis and discussion of the PPC and the curricular components inserted in the matrix of the course in question, referring to to ethnic-racial issues in order to understand how the Pedagogy course has been discussing racial issues that contribute to an anti-racist education in teacher training, and how these teachers are debating and approaching the theme in the classroom.


  • Data: Jul 1, 2022
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  • The present research aims to contribute to the discussions about the process of invisibility of the black population in order to break with the narratives still so present in the imagination of Ceará. We will discuss how the creation of a negative identity (attributed identity), proposed by Kabengele Munanga (1994), is related to the process of invisibility of the black population. black inferiority. To carry out the analysis of the invisibility and the process of inferiorization of blacks, we rely on authors such as: Nilma Lino Gomes (2005), Wlamyra Albuquerque (2009), Roberto Damatta (1981), Antonio Vilamarque Carnaúba (2006), Janote Pires Marques (2013) ), Paulo Henrique de Souza (2012), among others. We will seek to evidence the exclusion and inferiorization of the Afro-Cearense population through the official discourses of the intellectual elite, mainly in the documents published and present in the Historic, Geographic and Anthropological Institute of Ceará, as we understand that this institution was one of the means that contributed to this process. The content analysis method proposed by the author Laurence Bardin (1977) will be used with the intention of interpreting whether the “communications” issued in the documents represented a mechanism of “information” and inferiorization of these populations. The temporal delimitation of the research will have as its cut the year 1887, the year of foundation of the Instituto Histórico, Geográfico e Antropológico do Ceará, but it is necessary to explain that in some moments we go to periods before this cut that also goes up to 1903, year of the tercentenary of Ceará in which the Historical Institute produced texts referring to the formation of the region. The study concluded that the invisibility of the black population occurred linked to inferiority and within a hierarchical and racialized perception of the intellectuals of the IHC and that the “heroic” characterization of figures such as Martim Soares Moreno are examples of an “invisibilizing predilection”.


  • Data: Jul 20, 2022
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  • The present investigation is part of the migratory studies related to human rights. Its focus is on internal migrations Angola and the DRC. and as an objective, to understand how the Angolan State dealt with the issue of immigration and human rights of Congolese citizens in view of the implementation of Operation Transparency, which took place in 2018. The work is guided by a methodology of a qualitative nature, based on an interdisciplinary perspective, and articulated from the bibliographic and documental research. For the interpretation of data, it uses the analysis technique of the thematic content interpretation method. Based on the information contained in the discursive devices of the sources, it is considered that Operation Transparências was poorly orchestrated in the territory of Lunda Norte, the Angolan government implemented a war machine that resulted in the violation of human rights of migration and refuge, in the spread of fear and terror in the local population and in immigrants in general, and in particular, Congolese.


  • Data: Jul 27, 2022
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  • This text is situated in the field of Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities, linked to the line of research Education, Politics and Languages. Its objective is to understand the resistance of Kimpa Vita and the Antonist movement in History and Arts and to contest the impact of the absence of its history in high school textbooks in Angola. To collect the data, a qualitative approach is used, employing bibliographic and documentary research, dialoguing with John Thornton's bibliographic sources "The Kongolese Saint Anthony: Dona Beatriz Kimpa Vita and the Antonian Movement, 1684–1706" and "Dona Beatriz Ñsîmba Vita by Patrício Batsîkama”, and as for the documentary sources, we dialogue with the works of the playwright José Menas Abrantes “Kimpa Vita: A prophetess ardent” and “Misericórdia para o Reino do Kongo” by Henrique Abranches and the “Handbooks of History of Education average in Angola''. As part of the Interdisciplinary Master's program in Humanities, this research privileges the dialogue with the different forms of knowledge production in the human sciences, structuring itself in theoretical discussions around the Interdisciplinary between History and Art (Literature). To overcome the problem of the absence of Kimpa Vita's legacy, we intend with this research, to suggest to the Ministry of Education of Angola, that they review their policies of inclusion of anonymous stories, of other heroes and heroines in
    teaching manuals to arouse interest for the valorization of Angolan history and cultural mosaic.


  • Data: Aug 30, 2022
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  • A pesquisa tem por objetivo central compreender a organização curricular da Escola Indígena Manoel Francisco dos Santos e analisar como a proposta curricular contribui na construção de conhecimentos científicos a partir da relação direta com os saberes tradicionais dos/as alunos/as, professores e da própria comunidade Indígena do povo Kanindé de Aratuba. Dentro dessa perspectiva de pesquisa. Propõem-se desvelar na pesquisa quais as principais dificuldades de implementação do currículo escolar indígena, no processo de articulação dos saberes do currículo formal, com diretrizes dos sistemas de ensino, e os saberes tradicionais do povo Kanindé na Escola indígena Manoel Francisco dos Santos e as disciplinas específicas conforme Projeto Político Pedagógico. Nessa perspectiva, definimos  como objetivos específicos: a) Compreender como a organização do currículo escolar indígena valoriza os saberes tradicionais do povo indígena do Kanindé; b) Analisar o currículo escolar do ensino fundamental dos anos iniciais (1º ao 5º ano) da escola indígena a partir de análise documental; c) Investigar as contribuições da educação escolar indígena, a partir do currículo diferenciado, na construção de conhecimento escolar/científico dos/as alunos/as indígenas e para o fortalecimento da identidade cultural; d)Analisar as práticas docentes desenvolvidas pelos/as professoras indígenas a partir da operacionalização do currículo escolar indígena e, e) Identificar as relações do currículo escolar implementado na escola com o cotidiano da aldeia e as práticas docentes desenvolvidas na escola. Como metodologia definimos fazer um estudo etnográfico, pois, permite a compreensão de processos educacionais,  buscando explicar a realidade com base na percepção, atribuição de significados e opiniões dos atores, assim, na operacionalização da pesquisa optou-se por uma abordagem qualitativa, que trabalha com o universo dos significados, dos motivos, das aspirações, das crenças, dos valores e das atitudes. Na coleta de dados durante a pesquisa de campo realizamos a observação participante, seguida de entrevistas com os sujeitos (lideranças, professores e alunos).  Na construção do referencial teórico que sustenta nossa pesquisa, utilizamos como principais referenciais os seguintes autores: Nascimento (2006); D’Ambrósio (2021); Tomazetti (1998), Xavier (2018) e Julião (2017). A pesquisa foi desenvolvida na aldeia Sítio Fernandes, Município de Aratuba, Estado do Ceará, com foco na organização curricular e nas práticas docentes desenvolvidas pelos indígenas no processo educacional e organização curricular da Escola Indígena Manoel Francisco dos Santos. Nosso principal achado de pesquisa foi: a escola pensada pelo povo Kanindé, hoje, é uma instituição fundamental para preparar e fortalecer as novas gerações para o movimento de luta pela terra e em defesa da cultura Kanindé, destacando-se a práxis do docente emancipatória, com ensino contextualizado e libertador, com inovações pedagógicas, aulas vivenciais e metodologias que se tornam diferentes no contexto local, valorizando assim os saberes tradicionais do povo Kanindé.  


  • Data: Sep 30, 2022
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  • Education is one of the main mechanisms in society from the perspective of an effective riseness, so, it must be seen with great respect and responsibility, in a way that none of those affected should be harmed in the process of receiving it and/or producing it. In this sense, an included school is necessary to carry out an educational process that meets the needs of its members, it’s necessary still a teacher training that encompasses the precepts of inclusion. Aiming to analyze and reflect on teacher education from the perspective of inclusion of elementary school students I in the city of Mulungu - CE, this explanatory research, based on a qualitative and quantitative approach will be carried out through a case study with semi-structured interview, document analysis and bibliographic, among other mechanisms. Justified by the importance of inclusion in the lives of human beings and by the lack of knowledge about how it has been seen and worked on in the initial phase of basic education in Mulungu, this work becomes an activity of a huge importance to the educational system, as it has the intention to present a document resulting from a faithful research work, elaborated in the light of respect for those who have the right to an education system that conforms to their particularities. The investigation culminated in important findings for the education of the city and the country, among them: It was noticed that the inclusion laws, when they are not put into practice, apply them in a gentle way, not having, in this way, an inclusive process that obeys to legal concerns; the initial and continuing education of teachers are designed and experienced in a way disconnected from the contemporary reality, moreover, they do not meet the needs of the educator, who, without basic knowledge, act in a way that contributes to exclusion. Training and educating for inclusion were a great challenge for the investigated teachers, a challenge that represents a section of education in Brazil, which, in turn, requires urgent reformulation, so that it is an education from all and for all.

  • THE TRIP: the journey of becoming a teacher in Elementary Education in a Waldorf School and in Municipal Early Childhood Education in Fortaleza

  • Data: Oct 4, 2022
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  • This master research, of autobiographical nature with an emphasis on self-writing, was, metaphorically, being built on a ship travel to the past, where memories of my life story, narrated in the introduction of this paper, led me to revisit the paths I took until, at almost fifty years of age, my teaching vocation had revealed itself. Based on DELORY-MOMBERGER, (2006) and on PASSEGGI, (2010), the option for autobiography was based on the self-reflective character of this approach, in which the author is his own interpreter and narrator of his own experiences. In the second moment, I report the beginning of the teaching trajectory and training practice in Waldorf Pedagogy, talking to authors such as STEINER, (1996, 1999, 2000, 2013), LANZ, (2005) and ROMANELLI, (2008). Then, I narrate the path as a teacher and teacher trainer in Early Childhood Education at the Municipality of Fortaleza, tracing a history of public policies for this level of education and dialoguing with theorists such as OSTETTO, (2017), FREIRE, (1967, 1975), KOHAN (2021), MARTINS FILHO, (2020). Soon after, I share what I learned as a member of the Group of Studies Dialogues with the Pikler approach CE-UFC, dedicated to studies and research with babies and very young children. Authors such as FALK, (2010, 2011), PIKLER, (2010), SOARES (2019), GRUSS, ROSEMBERG (2019) support this approach. In the final considerations I reflect on what has been learned and what had to be unlearned and relearned back. On board the ship I experienced storms and calms, pains and joys, affections and disaffections. I observed that, despite the uniqueness of each pedagogy, there are many intersections between them, and the need for the educator to walk the constant path of self- development is unanimous in all of them.

    Autobiography, Waldorf Pedagogy, Early Childhood Education, Pikler Approach

  • Philosophy of ancestry and education: Exu as an interpretation of practices and meanings in African and Afro-Brazilian cultures

  • Data: Oct 25, 2022
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  • In this dissertation, based on our common ancestry, we will analyze the Philosophy of Ancestrality, from the meanings and cultural practices of African and Afro-Brazilian traditions. They are knowledge, values and cultural practices preserved by our ancestors and mediated by the agency of Exu: as a force of continuous movement and civilizational recommencement. In this same sense, the thought of the Philosophy of Ancestrality as an anti-racist education agency, decolonization of knowledge, curriculum and philosophy teaching in Brazil is intended. For this purpose, the discussion of mandjuandadi is outlined, as a cultural manifestation of Guinea-Bissau, based on the oral tradition (oraliture), in which the songs of sayings are created, gain body, rhythm and performance (SEMEDO, 2010) , such as vital movement continually reopened and reinvigorated in the corporeity of Exu. The research will follow a qualitative approach, guided by the conceptual, explanatory and bibliographic description, with a theoretical basis based on epistemological, ethical, aesthetic and political aspects of African references. The relevance and relevance of this topic for the academic community and for all black collectives, especially for Brazilian peoples, are justified in the sense of combating all forms of racism (ethnic, epistemic, religious, against the matrices and presences formation of the Brazilian people). The main theoretical-conceptual contribution of this dissertation is the Philosophy of Ancestrality based on Exu: as an agency of thought and philosophical practice. The assumption is to contribute to decolonizing Eurocentric thinking or “de-Europeanizing” the Philosophy curriculum, suggesting alternatives to Philosophy teachers and students, in the reconstruction of memories and life behaviors historically denied and erased by the West, especially in the regarding the respect of Guinean and Brazilian black African ancestry.


  • Data: Nov 22, 2022
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  • The act of thinking about the school curriculum, especially from an indigenous school education perspective, is to think of a curriculum that takes into account not only the knowledge of the curriculum matrix of the common base, but also to analyze and reflect on how the school curriculum , being a social construction, contributes to strengthening the societal project of the Tapeba indigenous people. In the first chapter, we will present the methodological foundations used in the research, providing the sequence of actions carried out during the process during the stages developed with the participation of the subjects. In the second chapter, we will present the reflections on the processes of formation of the indigenous formal education of the Tapeba people, a mark of resistance and struggle in the search for overcoming the prejudices suffered by the students in the education experiences with regular education. In the third chapter, we will address the reflections on the formation of the educational identity of the people and its construction from the revisitation of the curriculum in the process of training professionals, formation of the school as a space for resinified and consolidation of the principles that govern the school in the search for autonomy of the community and in the formation of the Indians as a proposal to strengthen social and cultural values, respecting indemnity elements, with a view to cultural and economic sustainability, ensuring a pillar in the search for the autonomy of the people, assuring future generations the guarantee of training processes educational, identity and cultural. The methodological process beyond the concepts was a difficult step to carry out due to the effects of the pandemic of the new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, especially in formal educational processes and in family relationships.


  • Data: Dec 21, 2022
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  • This research starts from a theoretical discussion about education, domestic work and gender, to understand how a society marked by patriarchal and conservative characteristics subjugates the female gender in different spheres of life. It is intended to analyze the gender relations constructed and experienced by women from Itapiúna/CE, with higher education (Full Degree in Pedagogy and Geography) and who worked as domestic servants in the first decades of the 21st century. For this, we will collect data and semi-structured interviews with four subjects who have in common a short period of work in Education and permanence in precarious domestic work, in Itapiúna/CE and in the state capital. The research is built from an interdisciplinary perspective, with a qualitative and quantitative approach, in order to associate the factors that lead to the state of subjugation of women in labor relations, having gender and social class as markers. The results obtained so far demonstrate that women continue to face many adverse situations when trying to insert themselves in the work market, in institutions and in qualification through studies. The so-called feminine professions, poorly paid and devalued, are reserved (in this interiorized and precarious context) for the poorest women, and the fact that they have to choose between being a maid or a teacher shows their limited field of choices.


  • Data: Mar 22, 2021
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  • In recent times there has been an increase in studies on the West African coast in terms of their cultures, policies, and economics, both in the periods before the Arab and European presence on the continent, as well as in the post-colonial periods. Our research comes from this perspective of studying the Casamansa region, located today in the Republic of Senegal as an important part in the construction of Senegambia's regional identity. We understand that one of the privileged ways to understand the cultures and experiences of various ethnic groups that live there is an endogenous look, in the sense that orality is presented as a center of communication and memory preservation for these societies and that the local researcher is inserted in this context. This look is a challenge even for the natives, as many documents consulted about the region have presented voids or silences that end up denying the African protagonism of history to the detriment of the colonizers and continue to be the great references for writing the history of the region. . When analyzing, the authors who published in the Cultural Bulletin of Portuguese Guinea, which we take as sources, we perceive a connotation of the African as uncivilized, their cultures represented as wild in most cases. We demand and propose a revision, a critical analysis of the documents written in these periods by Europeans, which started from an outside look at the realities of these societies, from an inside look, endorsed by the perspective of orality. We recognize the advances that African studies have made since the end of the 20th century and it is in this perspective that our research complements this debate in relation to African societies and their ethnic groups that over the centuries have preserved their cultures, identities, their organizations social.


  • Data: Jul 9, 2021
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  • This bibliographical and documentary research aimed to analyze the imagery representations of the black population in Science textbooks from the 6th to 9th grade of elementary school, approved by the PNLD/2017, adopted by the municipal public education system in the city of Itapiuna (CE). The investigation presented as a guiding question the following question: How have black people been represented in this material? This problem stems from the researcher's experience as a teacher of Natural Sciences for the final years of Elementary School within a scenario of mobilization of the teaching staff in the municipality of Itapiúna (CE) in 2007 to the present day, which motivated us to think like textbooks they could, or not, contribute to education for ethnic-racial relations. To carry out this analysis, we adopted direct observation followed by description and interpretation of the images, considering that the iconographies were studied in the light of Opinion CNE/CP/003/2004, as well as the concept of representation proposed by Chartier (1990, 1991, 2002a, 2002b) followed by the categories race, racism, prejudice, racial discrimination, black identity and racial democracy, linked to content analysis via thematic, Bardin (2011) proposal for the construction of thematic categories. The results obtained demonstrate a low representation of the black population followed by a more intense frequency of white people. Finally, a gradual ―alignment‖ of image representations was observed in the investigation in the light of the three principles present in Opinion CNE/CP 003/2004: political and historical awareness of diversity; strengthening of identities and rights; strengthening of identities and rights.


  • Data: Jul 30, 2021
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  • Faced with the need to materialize equality and social justice, for groups and individuals historically excluded in our reality, anti-racist and anti-sexist education becomes a fundamental premise. In the articulation of awareness processes and construction of new positive identities for black women, this education also translates into UNILAB's institutional commitment: to promote a decolonial educational project, in partnership with the integration countries - PALOPs -, and aligned with the production of new knowledge, of Afro-perspectivated epistemologies, against hegemonic ones, of gender equality, and of recognition and valorization of the aspirations and agendas of popular movements. Therefore, this research makes a documental analysis of the curricula and didactic-pedagogical guidelines of the courses of the Institute of Humanities at UNILAB, in search of evidence regarding the understanding and commitment of its graduation teaching with the historical and political agendas of Black Feminism. It starts with the question whether these courses have, in fact, promoted the historical appreciation and epistemological recognition of the bases, struggles, social movements and intellectual and scientific productions of black women: in combating prejudice and oppression which are structurally contrary to them, and in formation for their effective empowerment. The methodological procedure used is that of document analysis of a qualitative nature, from the perspective of interdisciplinary research in the Humanities. In the theoretical discussion, we dialogued with HOOKS (1952-), COLLINS (1948-), DAVIS (1944-), ANZALDÚA (1942-2004), LUGONES (1944-2020), GONZÁLEZ (1935-1994), CARNEIRO (1950-), GOMES (1961-), RIBEIRO (1960-), among others. The results achieved demonstrate the incidence of anti-racist and anti-sexist educational and curricular policies. However, there is a need to expand guidelines and provisions in this regard, given the structural and functional dimension of racial and gender intersectional violence, which is now fully in force in our societies.

  • “Ensino de sociologia entre poderes”: História e Institucionalização do Curso de Licenciatura em Sociologia na Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (1995 a 2012)

  • Data: Aug 17, 2021
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  • O questionamento da relevância das ciências sociais nas Instituições de Ensino Superior e a preocupação com a questão da autonomia das universidades em Moçambique, descrevem alguns dos principais tópicos de discussão entre os cientistas sociais, no mundo no geral, e em Moçambique em particular. Por um lado, este trabalho procura tomar parte desta discussão e, por outro, mas em consequência disso, propor uma outra formulação do problema prestando mais atenção no discurso que questiona a relevância das ciências sociais no ensino superior. Esta proposta sugere a compreensão do contexto econômico e político que tornou possível a emergência deste discurso como forma de melhor tomar posições morais sobre ele. Para esse feito, o trabalho foca-se na análise do processo de institucionalização do Curso de Licenciatura em Sociologia na Universidade Eduardo Mondlane considerando os diferentes contextos que determinaria a história do Ensino superior em Moçambique. Para esse propósito, com base em Análise documental e bibliográfica, à luz da teoria de “campo social” de Bourdieu articulado com toda uma abordagem teórica que perpassa, entre outros, entre Michel Foucault e Carlos Serra e chega até Martin Wight no campo das Relações Internacionais procura-se estudar o processo de institucionalização do ensino do Curso de Licenciatura (graduação) em Sociologia na Universidade Eduardo Mondlane de 1995 a 2012 no contexto dos cinquenta anos do ensino superior moçambicano. Pretendemos, a partir deste estudo, refletir sobre a relevância que é atribuído ao ensino das ciências sociais no contexto contemporâneo em Moçambique, considerando a discussão sobre a autonomia das universidades num contexto político e econômico neoliberal que caracteriza a contemporaneidade. Chegamos, entretanto, em algumas considerações do resultado: o ensino de Sociologia, enquanto Curso de Licenciatura, dá-se em um contexto complexo de relações de poder que se estrutura a partir de uma relação entre Moçambique com o Sistema Capitalista Global sendo a subalternidade a sua posição neste sistema.


  • Data: Sep 3, 2021
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  • This research is the result of work on the ancestral knowledge of quilombola women from Sítio Veiga, Quixadá-Ce. The aforementioned sought to bring reflections on the contribution to strengthening the identity of quilombola women, through matriarchs Mãe Véia, Maria Luzia, Socorro Eugenio and the researcher of this research, as I am the fifth generation of these women and occupy the place they gave me, having in view of the struggles and resistance to the maintenance of life in the quilombola territory. The guiding thread of the work is the autobiographical method, which makes me the protagonist of my own research, as it allows me to understand more precisely how quilombolas, through their own narratives, express the values, senses and meanings of everyday life. Based on the experiences expressed through subjective language, it was possible to understand them in the dialogue with Goldenberg (2004), Minayo, (2001). This process of recognition of ancestral knowledge via orality passes through me, but also through the work of interlocution with my older and younger ones, in addition to all bibliographic and documental material. It is understood that the quilombola Territory is the relevant space for the social, economic, political and cultural maintenance of these peoples. It is on this floor that the São Gonçalo Dance takes place, full of rituals such as: rhythm, music, corporeality, promises, the act. The uniqueness of the subjects and their contribution to sacred rituals to strengthen their identity are in the lived reports. It is understood that the matriarchs' narratives are permeated with experiences, enabling a research on the reality of quilombola women in Sítio Veiga. The research made it possible to know the history of the women of Veiga; the company of matriarchs for the maintenance of knowledge and flavors in the social, political, economic and cultural spheres of Quilombo Veiga and its surroundings; the territory as a sacred space and the Dance of São as a source of struggle, resistance and resilience for quilombola families.

  • Entre a integração e o estranhamento: interculturalidade e conflitos na inserção de estudantes migrantes dos Países Africanos de Língua Oficial Portuguesa (PALOP) na Unilab/CE.

  • Data: Sep 30, 2021
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  • A vinda da Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira para o Ceará, na região do Maciço de Baturité, trouxe consigo diversos desafios, a partir dos pressupostos da criação dessa Universidade no processo de interiorização do ensino superior no Brasil, e no ideário de integração do Brasil com a Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (CPLP). Entre esses desafios, apontamos a integração de estudantes migrantes dos Países Africanos de Língua Oficial Portuguesa (PALOP), seja no ambiente acadêmico da UNILAB, seja nas vivências nas cidades do entorno da Universidade. Assim, a presente pesquisa objetiva analisar os fatores que permeiam os processos de integração desses estudantes, através de experiências no convívio com a população local, com os demais estudantes e os corpos técnico administrativo e docente da UNILAB, e com isso, contribuir para o apontamento de fatores que fazem parte da problematização desse processo e que possam ajudar no surgimento de uma nova sociabilidade que respeite e valorize as diversas culturas que passam a se encontrar, contribuindo com a transformação de um sociedade, que  venha a ter uma visão ampliada e positiva da interculturalidade como elemento que valorize as novas relações estabelecidas através da integração entre os países. Pretendemos ainda com os apontamentos da pesquisa, contribuir com a elaboração /ou reorientação das políticas que atendam aos estudantes migrantes, tendo por base as experiências por estes vivenciadas e os desafios por estes apresentados, objetivando uma experiência acadêmica, cultural e social que possa estar orientada pela diversidade cultural e pelo respeito às diferenças.


  • Data: Oct 7, 2021
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  • This paper seeks to understand the process of resignification of contemporary textile art in Brazil at the beginning of the 21st century through the investigation of urban interventions in crochet by Coletivo Linhas (São Luís – MA). As a methodological resource to deepen the understanding of the object, our research will make a case study of Coletivo Linhas and its activism through its urban interventions in crochet. Sewing approaches with art historiography studies, contemporary art, sociology and gender studies, we seek to propose reflections on some mechanisms used in the artistic field that resulted in an undervaluation of textile art within a socio-historical context of the subordination of women in this same space. This view contributed to understanding how and why textile handicrafts were resignified over the years and overflowed the space traditionally used as private, reaching the scope of the urban, the interactive, the open space. Textile art exposed on walls, building facades, squares or in the most diverse urban spaces has had a significant impact on people's perception. This new way of making textile art, in the context of contemporary art, intends not only to give a new meaning as a subversion in its production technique and form of exhibition, but also it is crossed by social critics through the relationship between art and activism. We seek to understand about this new trend in contemporary textile art, how and why manual textile production expanded to the streets. Analyze some of the urban interventions of Coletivo Linhas allowed us to unveil some of the motivations present in its artistic productions, which are plotted as an instrument of resistance, criticism and activism. This research was based mainly on: studies on women artists in Brazil by Ana Paula Cavalvanti Simioni (2007; 2010; 2019); in the concept of artistic field proposed by Pierre Bourdieu (1996); in the relationship between female gender and textile art by Rozsika Parker (1996); in the concept of ways of doing by Claudia Paim (2009); in the studies on urban interventions and Yarn Bombing by Minna Haveri (2016); in the approach to Yarn Bombing and Craftivism from a criminological perspective by Alyce MacGovern (2019); and the book Yarn Bombing: The Art of Crochet and Knit Graffiti (2019) by authors Mandy Moore and Leanne Prain.

  • Data: Oct 14, 2021
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  • A partir das noções de representação, ethos, gêneros textuais e referenciação, a presente pesquisa tem por finalidade analisar como ocorreu a naturalização da visão estereotipada da mulher negra como serviçal em telenovelas brasileiras exibidas entre os anos de 1960 e 1970. Para tanto, buscamos observar de que forma ocorreram os processos referenciais para a construção dos estereótipos subalternos veiculados pelos papéis atribuídos às atrizes personagens negras. Lançamos mão de um paradigma qualitativo de fazer pesquisa e, majoritariamente, bibliográfico a fim de alcançarmos os objetivos. No intuito de nos aprofundarmos, buscamos recuperar o contexto histórico brasileiro no período em tela – as décadas de 1960 e 1970, visto que todo discurso está ancorado num momento social, histórico, político e econômico, isto é, situado. O surgimento e a escalada das telenovelas no Brasil encontraram e reverberaram diversos discursos em circulação daquela e de outras épocas. Portanto, empreendemos a investigação a fim de averiguarmos: a (re)produção do estereótipo de subalternidade atribuído à mulher negra em telenovelas brasileiras, como os processos de referenciação, presentes nestas novelas, discursivizam a mulher negra brasileira como um corpo subalterno, de que maneira o estereótipo tem servido para cristalizar as imagens de subalternidade dos corpos negros femininos, os contextos históricos/ideológicos em que foram construídas as posições subalternas das mulheres negras através de imagens das telenovelas brasileiras do século XX. Nessa perspectiva, argumentamos que os processos referenciais podem participar na projeção e na reiteração do racismo por meio da construção de estereótipos de subalternidade.

  • “A Night in Bahia”: Africanities and capoeiras in Fortaleza (1955)
  • Data: Oct 25, 2021
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  • This work intends to reflect on the process of invisibility of the black man in Ceará starting from the presentations of capoeira and candomblé, Brazilian africanities, individuals from Bahia visiting private places in Fortaleza, like the presentation “Uma Noite na Bahia,” which took place in the Náutico Atletico Cearense club and all other presentations in other spaces, like the José de Alencar theater and Sociedade Cearense de Tiro, Caca e Pesca, in Ceará’s capital in 1955. For these reasons, it becomes necessary to understand the speeches, the rejection and formation of local identities, their webs of relations with the labor environment and with determined spaces (newspapers, magazines, social clubs, theaters, etc.). Social and cultural spaces begin to be perceived as spaces for political actions of the subjects mentioned in this study. In order to answer questions derived from this study, we will reach out to the interdisciplinary field of Frigotto (2011), where the production of knowledge starts from a character’s social reality, even more within a process of solidary competition between two or more disciplines. We will use fundamental theory based on the historical and anthropological works of (CUNHA JÚNIOR, 2005; LOPES, 2004; SODRÉ, 2014; BASTIDE, 1989; ARAÚJO, 2015; ALMEIDA, 2019). Relying on a methodical approach documented in resources of a qualitative nature and bibliographic and journalistic sources (newspapers and one magazine) we begin the analysis of the speech by Eni Orlandi (2020) also the analysis of the cultural performances from Milton Singer (1959) presented by Robson Correa de Camargo (2013). The results demonstrate the expansive coversage of teh capoeira and candomblé presentations were not articulated with the Ceará Africanities, proving once again the invisibility and denial process of the afro-cearense population.

  • Data: Oct 26, 2021
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  • This research sought to problematize the silences and omissions around anti-black racism at Franklin Távora High School in Itapiúna-CE. We seek to answer the following question: how does the denial of the existence of black populations and black culture influence the understanding and perception of anti-black racism in education, in Brazilian and Ceará education, and especially in the city of Itapiúna? Silence is not the absence of words, but the impossibility of another discourse. (ORLANDI, 2018). Therefore, our research revolves around the need for a discussion of ethnic-racial relations in the school environment from society and social movements to universities, and from universities to basic education systems across the country in order to face the racism and its consequences. Our general objective was to investigate anti-black racism through the silencing of black populations in high school in Itapiúna-CE. Specifically, we discuss the concepts of race and racism, blackness and whiteness and their relationship to education; we problematize the historical denial of black people in Ceará and Brazil and how the black social movement has contributed to deconstruct/reconstruct this history; finally, we analyzed the understanding and perception of anti-black racism among high school teachers in the Humanities area at the state school in the municipality of Itapiúna. The Interdisciplinarity of Frigotto (2018) and Japiassu (1976), as well as the concepts of coloniality of power by Quijano (2005) and decoloniality by Maldonado-Torres (2019) provided us with theoretical bases for this investigation. From the analysis of the Pedagogical Political Project-PPP and the collected interviews, we noticed the total silence around ethnic-racial issues. Interviews were collected from semi-structured questionnaires based on Thematic Oral History. (ALBERTI, 2019; BOM MEIHY, 2002). The documents collected and produced were analyzed using Content Analysis. (BARDIN, 2016; FRANCO, 2021). This allowed us to show the reasons behind the silences that reproduce racism. We hope to collaborate, based on the results presented here, with the anti-racist cause and for a more equitable society in its ethnic-racial relations.

  • Indigenous Archaeological Remains found in the Quilombo of Serra do Evaristo as a Source for History Teaching
  • Data: Oct 26, 2021
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  • This study was based on my experiences and analyzes during the course of " no Mestrado Interdisciplinar em Humanidade" - MIH, linked to the "Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira " -UNILAB, and the work developed in the " Trabalho, Desenvolvimento e Migrações" - GIM, and from the research line: “Work, Development and Migration”. As an object of questioning, I analyze the indigenous archaeological remains found in the " Comunidade Quilombola da Serra do Evaristo", a rural area in the municipality of Baturité, Ceará, as sources for teaching indigenous history. In an interdisciplinary perspective, indigenous archaeological remains are articulated as sources for the implementation of Law 11.645 / 08, while analyzing the possible disciplinary links between archaeological and historical studies. It is worth exposing here the different character of the excavations carried out in the aforementioned quilombola community, as agents from the community itself were trained in this process, who acted as research assistants, forming a group of five young people who participated in the excavations during the period they were not at school. Likewise, this research seeks to dialogue with the narrative constructions arising from the archaeological museum in the community and the possible educational actions to be developed to educate the historical awareness of the ethnic groups that inhabited the region since before the European invasion.

  • Data: Oct 27, 2021
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  • In recent years, the Kanindé indigenous people have been involved in the appropriation of a museological process, leading to the construction of a museum, a memory space and documentation center in their territory where this space has assumed an important role in the struggle and resistance of the people to the to constitute a powerful space for demanding differentiated education, valuing the traditional processes of knowledge transmission, ethnic affirmation, self-representation and counter-narrative construction, production, cultural diffusion and struggle to demarcate the territory, producing a process of autonomy. Currently the Kanindé people's involvement in this project of building a specific space that represents their culture, has been around an awareness of the importance of preserving their rites, knowledge, practices and ecosystems present in their territory. The present work intends to demonstrate the experiences that intertwine directly to the museological processes typical of the Kanindé in Aratuba in Ceará in search of the right to a preserved indigenous memory.

  • Data: Oct 29, 2021
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  • This work has as object of study two novels with context of Angolan and Bissau-Guinean plot, namely, A bicicleta que tinha bigodes: estórias sem luz elétrica, de Ondjaki (2015) and Comandante Hussi, de Jorge Araújo (2009).The focus of attention in this work of the themes they have in common: the civil war and its consequences, such as fear, violence, neediness, and childhood, symbolized by bicycles and games.Therefore, the goal is to understand, in an interdisciplinary way, the manifestations of violence and representations of childhood that are revealed through literary discourse in the historical context of the 80s and 90s of the 20th century: it implies considering the social and political dynamics of both countries. In this perspective, the works of Mahmood Mamdani (2016), Frantz Fanon (1968), Homi Bhabha (1998), Édouard Glissant (1995) and António Cândido (2010). Comparative analysis is the main method to ascertain

    approximation of Literature to History – they  are fundamental to understanding how these voices, through the gaze of children, address these themes in the two literary works. In hypothesis, such reading reveals that silence is one of the means by which violence manifests itself, bring up social configurations of the children’s universe present in the books. Civil war reconfugures spaces and games, which physically and psychologically modify the characters, so that life has to be followed while war follow your flow. The way we take into account that childhood is a social construction, that is, the conceptions about childhood are as varied as possible. We inted draw a balance of how it is approached in Guinean and Angolan literature, especially how the narrators build these child characters who live in the contexto of violence.

  • Data: Dec 16, 2021
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  • This dissertation is part of the difficult adventure of my insertion as an indigenous in the academic world of whites and the result of the struggle of the indigenous movement. The research is about Pitiguary spirituality as a curricular component at the Chuí Indigenous School, located in the municipality of Maracanaú, State of Ceará. As a research method, I produced an autobiographical report, in which I recall my Pitaguary spirituality and the way in which this spirituality is present at school. I also present several written sources on the subject, correlating and analyzing them with bibliographical references. On the theoretical foundations that I use in this research, I have been approaching the possibility of writing oneself, in which, autobiographically, I can tell about the cosmology of spirituality practiced by us, the Pitaguary people, giving special details of this in the Chuí Indigenous School. Autobiographical writing allows me, as an indigenous person, to be the subject of my own history and culture. I show how spirituality is intimately linked to the land and forests, Casa dos Encantados, and that, along with spirituality, comes the struggle for territory. In conclusion, I present the school as a continuation of the Pitaguary's culture and tradition, where, based on our example, based on our speeches, we continue to train new leaders, awakening in students the desire to belong and participate in this movement.


  • Data: Dec 21, 2021
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  • Mobility, seen from a broader perspective, brings with it a set of concrete situations and particularities that define people's individual and socio-professional identity. This perspective leads us to studies and reflections on the senses and meanings that this dynamic brings (daily taking off and/or moving from home) and its influences on the dimension of teaching practice. This research aims to investigate whether/how socio-spatial mobility impacts the professional trajectory of teachers in the municipality of Aratuba/CE. We assume that, by experiencing different territorialities, teachers (re)signify their personal and professional identity. With this study, we seek to present a set of reflections that contribute to the understanding of the phenomenon of mobility, based on the perception of teachers. Through personal interviews, we envisioned analyzing these trajectories, reflecting on the socio-professional routine and the relationships established between the subjects inserted in this context. Specifically, we seek to analyze how socio-spatial displacement impacts the development of teaching activities and personal and family relationships. This study, from an interdisciplinary perspective, is relevant to the socio-educational context, as it discusses the meanings of intense socio-spatial shifts as a process of subjectivation and professionalization, full of meanings in the perception of actors who narrate the factors and effects of this dynamic in the lives of education professionals. It was carried out through a qualitative research, exploratory and, at the same time, descriptive, dialoguing, in its scope, with Beaujeu-Garnier (1980), Martins (1998), Cunha (2011), Pinheiro (2013), authors that support us with methodological assumptions about the issue of labor mobility, discussed here.

  • The Conception of Teaching, Research and Extension in Higher Education Institutions in Guinea-Bissau: Case of the University Amílcar Cabral between 1999 and 2019

  • Data: Dec 28, 2021
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  • Conception of Teaching, Research and Extension in Guinea-Bissau's Higher Education Institutions: The Case of the Amílcar Cabral University between 1999 and 2019 is the research topic of the master's degree in the Interdisciplinary postgraduate program in Humanities at the University of International Integration of the Afro-Brazilian Lusophony-UNILAB. The theme has as general objective to understand the conception of teaching, research and extension in the institutions of higher education in Guinea-Bissau with a focus on the Public University of the country. It also has the following specific objectives: to understand how the basic law of the education system in Guinea-Bissau supports the functioning of the Amílcar Cabral university in teaching, research and extension; Understanding Guinea-Bissau's higher education statute deals with the concept of teaching, research and extension at the university Amílcar Cabral; And to know how the charter of education policy in Guinea-Bissau addresses the concept of teaching, research and extension at Universidade Amílcar Cabral. This discussion seeks to understand how this concept is being developed in higher education institutions in the country. Regarding the discussion of this conception, Passarin and Separovic (1989, p. 11) state that “Teaching is the process of construction of knowledge, with the appropriation of knowledge historically produced by humanity”. And “Research is the process of materializing knowledge from the production of new knowledge based on emerging problems in social practice”. While “Extension can be understood as an educational, cultural and scientific process, of intervention in social processes and identification of problems in society”. As for Santos (2016, p. 217-218), “Teaching: seeks to articulate the existing sciences, get to know their products and train professionals (...) . The “research: Aims to build new, confirm or contest existing knowledge” (...). The “research: Aims to build new, confirm or contest existing knowledge” (...). While the “Extension: Its function is to establish a connection between the interests of teaching and scientific research with social interests. It is legitimated by the presence of university agents in the social sectors, carrying out services, assistance, cultural projects” etc. The methodological path taken in the production of this theme consisted of consulting bibliographic and documental sources. Regarding the result of this research, there is the development of the concept of teaching, research. However, there is no development of university extension at Amílcar Cabral University.

  • Ressonâncias Mouras na Música de Elomar

  • Data: Jan 15, 2020
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  • A presente dissertação procura estabelecer um diálogo entre os aspectos literários, historiográficos e estéticos da obra musical de Elomar Figueira Mello, considerando o processo histórico cultural que pode ser apontado como uma das consequências do silenciamento da influência da cultura moura sobre a obra em análise. A cultura moura pode ser compreendida como um amálgama cultural de origem negra do Norte da África, dos berberes, que chega ao Nordeste brasileiro por meio da presença europeia, principalmente, ibérica, mas também pelos escravizados vindos da borda do Saara. A discussão teórica e a análise da música de Elomar perpassam o pensamento de autores como Gilberto Freyre (2004), Câmara Cascudo (1978), Ariano Suassuna (1974), Luis Soler (1978), Jacques Rancière (2005), Gilles Deleuze (1997), Nietzsche (2007) numa interlocução entre a produção da ideia de identidade nacional, cultura popular regional e a linguagem popular como espaço de criação do artista. A pesquisa se desenvolve a partir da perspectiva de que a obra do compositor Elomar está inserida numa teia de práticas e representações, expressão e circulação de elementos temáticos do sertão nordestino, consequentemente, ressonâncias do mundo mouro. Entre estas representações e práticas encontram-se a oralidade que é a proclamação verbal dos saberes guardados na memória humana; o cantador, personagem que apresenta suas histórias em cantoria, acompanhados da viola, onde sua musicalidade expressa aspectos cotidianos do sertão; o cenário é um sertão ficcional criado para ambientar as narrativas; e a cantoria – o cordel e o repente como fórmulas de uma literatura oral musicada estruturada em rima e em versos cantados, próprios da musicalidade moura.

  • Ações governamentais e práticas pedagógicas escolares no ensino de história e cultura afro-brasileira e indígena em Cascavel – CE (2013 – 2019)

  • Data: Jan 16, 2020
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  • Ao estabelecer a obrigatoriedade do ensino de História e Cultura Afro-brasileira e Indígena nas instituições educacionais de ensino básico, públicas e particulares do país, a partir da sanção da Lei 10.639/2003 e, posteriormente, 11.645/2008, o governo brasileiro gerou dúvidas e inquietações diversas quanto à formação de professores, metodologias de ensino e o próprio conteúdo a ser ministrado no intento de atender à legislação. É importante frisar que não foi a primeira vez que surgiu, em textos oficiais, a necessidade de abordar as matrizes étnicas do país, posto que a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (LDB 9.394/96) já previa a inclusão, nas aulas de História, de discussões relativas a participação de africanos, europeus e indígenas na construção da “formação do povo brasileiro”; todavia, foi a primeira vez que o tema apareceu de maneira explícita e impositiva, fazendo com que alguns educadores questionassem a necessidade da abordagem nestes moldes. Isto posto, buscamos compreender como se dá o tratamento de tais temáticas na rede púbica municipal de Cascavel (CE) através da realidade de duas escolas, uma da zona urbana e outra, da zona rural. Fazendo uso de entrevistas semiestruturadas com professores das disciplinas de História, Língua Portuguesa e Arte, buscamos compreender como se dá a transformação do currículo prescritivo em currículo interativo e, ainda, como é implementada a legislação nestas duas instituições. Nos encontros com estes educadores os questionamentos levaram em consideração as suas formações acadêmicas, pertencimentos étnico-raciais e os subsídios que lhes foram oferecidos para uso em sala de aula. A democracia racial propalada desde a Era Vargas cai por terra quando compreende-se que a questão afrodescendente e indígena é marcada pela invisibilidade e silenciamento destes dois grupos étnicos, seja pelo elogio à miscigenação, quando buscou-se clarear a tez da população, seja pela negação da existência destes povos, como foi o caso no Estado do Ceará, que construiu para si uma identidade miscigenada excluindo o negro e assimilando o indígena. É nítido que a pretensa harmonia racial descrita por Freyre (1933) não é possível de encontrar na práxis cotidiana. Em se tratando da abordagem sobre a história e cultura afrodescendente e indígena nos materiais didáticos e em sala de aula, percebemos que o currículo ainda é tímido, negando espaços e cristalizando os sujeitos, ainda atuando sob a estereotipia construída no colonialismo e continuada na colonialidade da nossa sociedade.


  • Data: Jan 29, 2020
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  • The school environment is the instigating space for ideas and ressignifications of meaning in the
    textual field. Reading provides the student not only critical training, but also allows a delineation of
    different strategies to improve reading comprehension of verbal-imagetic texts. This research aims
    to reflect on the articulation between the reading and the composition of the verbal-imagetic text as
    an additional knowledge for the reading comprehension of the student. For the analysis of the interpretative construction we will be guided by reading strategies, inferences, horizons of comprehension, previous knowledge and multimodal elements (sounds, images, colors…), which need to be worked out for the student to reach the desired reading comprehension of a reading. The theoretical assumptions of this research are supported by the study of Kato (1985), Alliende (1987),
    Solé (1998), Kleiman (2007), Marcuschi (2008), Koch and Elias (2013), Oliveira (2014), in the field of reading comprehension; and Kress and Van Leeuwen (2004), Dionísio (2011), in the field of Grammar of Visual Design - GVD. The methodological feature of this research is interventionist in nature, since its purpose is to promote the development of reading comprehension, producing knowledge for a practical application. The interventions were applied in a first year high school class in a public school in the city of Aratuba. From the analysis of the didactic sequences performed, it was observed that the students developed the reading comprehension through the didactic works with verbal-imagetic texts associated to the stimuli of the elements: previous knowledge, inferences, reading strategies and comprehension horizons, along with the guidance of the teachers. These actions are identified as collaborative resources for the construction of the reading comprehension by the students.

  • Educação indígena na América portuguesa quinhentista: estudo do teatro anchietano.

  • Data: Jan 29, 2020
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  • O encontro cultural entre jesuítas e povos indígenas, ocorrido no século XVI, em decorrência
    da colonização do Brasil pelo Império português, produziu uma relação intercultural entre os
    dois grupos, que aqui será analisada a partir do prisma de Caterine Walsh (2009). Partimos da
    ideia de interculturalidade funcional apresentada pela autora, para compreender o desenrolar
    desse contato. O termo interculturalidade denota a ideia de que existam possibilidades de
    diálogo entre culturas, portanto, podemos conceber o contato entre jesuítas e índios como um
    encontro intercultural, tendo em vista a comunicação estabelecida pela troca de elementos
    simbólicos. No entanto, essa relação, possui um prisma funcional Walsh (IDEM), pois atendia
    as intensões colonizadoras da sociedade imperial portuguesa. Os jesuítas surgem como
    responsáveis pela inserção desses sujeitos no corpo social lusitano. Pela catequese,
    relacionavam-se intercultural mente com os nativos, objetivando a salvação de suas almas.
    Logo, existe uma relação intercultural funcional ao estado português. Além disso, buscamos
    demonstrar como a Companhia de Jesus utilizava elementos pedagógicos para projetar a sua
    própria imagem no outro, nesse caso, o índio. Para tanto, pensamos a alteridade jesuítica com
    base em François Hartog (1999). Temos como objeto o Auto da Festa de São Lourenço
    (1583), de José de Anchieta, onde identificamos aspectos da identidade jesuítica, bem como
    os processos pedagógicos empregados pela Ordem, na tentativa de catequização do outro.
    Objetivamos, portanto, compreender a missionação inaciana que, através de sua alteridade,
    busca na salvação do outro, sua ascese, ao mesmo tempo que projeto a sujeição dos povos
    indígenas a Respublica Christiana quinhentista lusa, por meio da ideia de corpo social e sua
    respectiva concepção de integração do outro mediante a catequese. Buscando entender de
    forma crítica uma enunciação da alteridade, Hartog (IDEM), desenvolve um conceito ao qual
    denomina de desvio sistemático. Para o autor, como requisito mínimo para que haja a
    comunicação, é necessária a existência de um conjunto de saberes semântico, enciclopédico e
    simbólico comum a ambos os grupos. Dessa forma, a cultura passa a ser interpretada de
    acordo com o seu homologo presente no mundo do narrador. No caso do Auto em análise,
    aparecem outras categorias de Hartog (IDEM), como inversão e comparação, para realizar a
    tradução do outro, buscando, ao fim de tudo, que ocorresse a conversão do seu espectador.

  • SOCIAL HATE IDEOLOGY AND ECONOMIC AGENDA: Analysis of the Critical Discourse of Dilma Rousseff's Impeachment Parliamentary Session

  • Data: Jan 30, 2020
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  • This research aims to undertake critical analysis of pronouncements on the grounds of votes in favor of admissibility of the crime complaint of liability charged on the President of the Republic, and issued at the Plenary Session of the House of Representatives on April 17, 2016. The aim is to investigate the relationship between the cognitive manipulation of social affections and the dispute of economic agendas, closed in the intentions of pronouncements of these voting parliamentarians. We start from the hypothesis that such pronouncements are part of the conformation of a kind of moral populism, as an ideological input at the service of hegemonic and conservative consensus - around the defense and approval of a specific economic agenda. For the theoretical-methodological treatment of the analysis of this hypothesis, we adopted, as a basis, the critical-discursive and sociocognitive approach of the studies by Teun van Dijk (2008). Hence, three aspects make up the research: i) theoretical-conceptual; (ii) methodological and iii) analytical. In the first, we consider the relationship between political discourse, political cognition and ideological-affective manipulation of social cognition, based on the contribution of van Dijk's studies (2008), and addressed to studies on pathos, based on Charaudeau's research (2005). In this respect, we also care about the presumed cognitive structure of discourse recipients, also in accordance with Charaudeau (2005, 2016, 2010) as well as the possible articulations of interests and provisions - between the economic and political classes, according to Alysson Mascaro (2018), Jessé Souza (2016, 2017) and Ladislau Dowbor (2017). Concerning the methodological approach, specific to the characterization of the research procedure and its categories of analysis, we used the conceptions of critical discourse studies (ECD), also in van Dijk (2008), relating them to the treatment of pronouncements in a quantitative-categorical and qualitative-analytical perspective. Finally, at the time, then analytical, we submitted the corpus to a sociocognitive analysis, focusing on the identification of discursive and contextual structures and strategies that, according to van Dijk (2008; 2011), influence individual mental representations, socially shared around the commitment to a specific economic agenda. The action of several discursive devices, acting in a double perspective - of morally paradigmatic antagonization, associated with constituent groups of a given political spectrum and exaltation of a conservative Éthos - enabled, according to our analysis, the construction of the scenario conducive to the impeachment of then-President Dilma Rousseff, on August 2016. All the discursive strategy of prosecution and moral imprecation, associated with the presumed mental representation of the recipients, sought the conformation of archetypes of values and customs - as a specific conservative view of the world: consecutively rejected in last four election elections.

  • Unidade africana em Mário Pinto de Andrade e em Amílcar Cabral: cultura e revolução nas reflexões e experiências dos intelectuais e líderes africanos.

  • Data: Jan 30, 2020
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  • Este trabalho possui como objeto de estudo as formulações teóricas de Amílcar Cabral e de Mário Pinto de Andrade, respectivamente, duas lideranças políticas do Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola (MPLA) e do Partido Africano para Independência da Guiné e Cabo Verde (PAIGC) no que se referem as suas concepções de unidade africana, de cultura e de revolução elaboradas no contexto de emergência da luta de libertação nacional das                ex-colônias portuguesas, que conquistaram suas independências nacionais, sobretudo a partir da década de 1970. A problemática do estudo é identificar quais os elementos de convergência e de divergência encontradas nas reflexões de Amílcar Cabral e de Mário Pinto de Andrade, relacionadas aos conceitos de unidade africana, cultura e revolução, tendo como objetivo analisar as razões políticas e ideológicas de tais elementos. Este trabalho se justifica pela necessidade de reflexão epistemológica do processo de retomada da iniciativa histórica realizado pelos indivíduos, grupos, classes e povos no processo de libertação nacional das ex-colônias portuguesas, questionando assim o problemático conceito historiográfico de “descolonização africana”, elaborado pelos agentes sociais que perpetraram o imperialismo e o colonialismo no século XIX e XX. Navarro (2018) considera que o desenvolvimento de uma pesquisa historiográfica tendo como eixo central a questão da unidade, permite a pesquisa de uma teoria do conhecimento a partir da análise dos conceitos, das estruturas lógicas, das estruturas argumentativas e dos desdobramentos históricos dos movimentos políticos. Os conceitos de cultura e de revolução foram analisados, na medida em que são necessários para a compreensão da concepção de unidade africana proposta por Amílcar Cabral e Mário Pinto de Andrade. A metodologia utilizada no trabalho segue os parâmetros da pesquisa documental, utilizando-se de textos, artigos, conferências e livros de Amílcar Cabral e Mário Pinto de Andrade, além do cruzamento de dados pessoais e parte do acervo documental disponibilizados na Fundação Mário Soares.



  • Data: Feb 3, 2020
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  • O presente trabalho resulta de estudo de cooperativismo como agente de processo desenvolvimento socioemancipatório, ancorado na relação de solidariedade Ubuntuista na África, tomando como nosso agente colaborador a Cooperativa Agropecuária de Jovens Quadro na Guiné-Bissau.  Assim, entendemos que, o cooperativismo é o modo de atores sociais se organizarem em redes que emergiu na Europa através do processo da industrialização e, com a tomada das independências dos países africanos, foi incorporado com base de princípios de solidariedade africana - Ubuntu - como seu fundamento. O trabalho analisa processos de desenvolvimento socioemanicpatório na região de Cacheu, setor de Canchungo; assim como, entender a concepção de cooperativismo e desenvolvimento local a partir do associativismo na Guiné-Bissau, identificar a concepção de desenvolvimento que orienta a política da intervenção da COAJOQ na agricultura familiar camponesa em Canchungo; compreender a relação de produção da COAJOQ com a segurança alimentar. Para tanto, a pergunta que nos mobiliza é essa: como a Cooperativa Coajoq influência o desenvolvimento na Canchungo? Como a COAJOQ através de suas ações com a famílias camponesas gerencia o processo de desenvolvimento local? A metodologia adotada aqui, compreende a pesquisa qualitativa, na perspectiva interdisciplinar e complexidade (MORIN, 2000), com base na pesquisa bibliográfica e documental e avaliação da quinta geração. Estas técnicas são mecanismo de operacionalização de categorias de análise, agricultura familiar, cooperativismo, associativismo, desenvolvimento emanocipatório, segurança alimentar. Para tanto, considera-se que, as ações de cooperativa COAJOQ além de ser diferente na sua noção ocidental, está carregado da solidariedade Ubuntu, em que o coletivo sempre está em jogo de afirmação. Assim, as ações da Coajoq, assumem nesse coletivo, o papel de emancipador, na geração de novos saberes endógenas que visam ampliar a liberdade de novas aspirações e utopias nos jovens e mulheres nas zonas rurais. E neste processo que, a Coajoq, assumi ser agente colaborador e influenciador de novas utopias, aspirações nas associações, comunidades com o papel promotores de desenvolvimento local, germinado a partir das iniciativas das capacidades existentes, nas comunidades que a representação de Estado tem desafios.


  • Data: Feb 3, 2020
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  • This work has as object of study four of the novels of Guinean writer Abdulai Sila, to know:
    Eterna paixão (1994), A Última Tragédia (1995) e Mistida (1997) - corresponding to what
    Sila calls his trilogy, and more Memórias SOMânticas (2016). The choice of these works
    meets, according to the narrative composition, the metaphorical and diegetic representation of
    the historical construction of Guinean national identity, continually run over by various
    shades and cycles of violence. We believe these novels correspond to the author's
    representation of the different periods of Guinea-Bissau's most recent history, portraying,
    precisely from the colonization, the struggles for independence until post-independence
    situation. For this, from the perspective of cultural studies and the interdisciplinary approach,
    our theoretical and analytical contributions are focused on the prism of postcolonial,
    decolonial and African studies. In this conception, beyond the denunciation of colonialism
    and the attempts to make indigenous cultural identities invisible, Abdulai Sila's narratives are
    therefore characterized as a metaphor for the historical construction of Guinea's national
    identity, highlighting its various faces of violence, in its multiple political, cultural and social
    dimensions. It is necessary to take into account the intersection between historical and
    fictional discourse, given that the Silarian proposal of Guinean identity construction is
    configured by the assumption of hybridism between the traditional and the modern.


  • Data: Feb 4, 2020
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  • The purpose of this work is to read how cultural elements typical of Umbanda celebrations are
    represented in the religious practices of some Pentecostal evangelical segments. Pentecostalism is a
    religious movement that originated in the Protestant Churches of the United States of America in the
    late 19th century and arrived in Brazil in 1910. After some developments throughout the 20th century,
    today it is represented on the evangelical scene by traditional Pentecostal churches, like the Assemblies
    of God, large neo-Pentecostal groups, like the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God and a multitude
    of small independent Pentecostal groups. This last segment is evidenced by representing in its religious
    practices a set of elements whose characteristics are similar to those of Afro-Brazilian religions, in
    particular, Umbanda, in an ambiguous relationship of denial and acceptance. The research was
    developed, mainly, from the observation of celebrations of an independent Pentecostal church in the
    municipality of Maracanaú-CE and in an Umbanda Spiritist Center in the same municipality; he also
    observed the celebrations of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God, of neopentecostal aspect,
    and of churches remaining from historical Protestantism, in addition to the analysis of historical
    documents about the developments of Protestantism and the formation of Afro-Brazilian culture. It is
    hoped, with this work, to bring light to the apparently unusual relationships, at a first glance, between
    elements of traditionally antagonistic religious cultures and to deepen the debate about the socio-cultural
    transformations in the religious space, especially between religions with divergent narratives, which
    sometimes imply constant cases of religious racism.


  • Data: Jun 25, 2020
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  • The situation of indigenous peoples in the Northeast region of Brazil, therefore in Ceará, has historically been characterized by the expropriation of their lands; by ethnocide; through non-recognition and prejudice. Notwithstanding the resistance, permanence and historical continuity (in the sense of political struggle) of the Cearense Indians, this process of ethnocide caused losses that even today have repercussions on the recognition of their identity and territoriality. So it is intriguing to ask: How do non-indigenous people in the municipality of Maracanaú, located in the state of Ceará, see the Pitaguary peoples, in terms of their indigenous identity and their right to land? What is the view that Pitaguaries have of themselves and how do they perceive the look of society around them, regarding the identity and territorial issue? We assume that the processes of “invisibilization” and “caboclization”, to which the indigenous peoples of Northeastern Brazil, therefore, those of Ceará, were subjected to almost two hundred years, imply, in some way, the image that non-Maracaneans Indians carry the Pitaguaries, resulting in the following questions and statements, present in the speeches of the interlocutors: “what about these indigenous people?” “In Ceará there is no Indian!” “There is a lot of land that is not used because they say it belongs to the Indians”. Guided by these questions, we aim here to examine Pitaguary ethnicity and territoriality from the theoretical-methodological approach of social representations (JODELET, 2018; MINAYO, 1992) with its interdisciplinary perspective, dialoguing with the following areas of knowledge: History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Social Sciences. Based on a theoretical orientation composed of social analysis (FELDMAM-BIANCO, 1987) and historical analysis (OLIVEIRA FILHO, 1999; GINZBURG, 1991; LEVI, 1992; GRENDI, 1978) to analyze the process of territorialization. Taking Barth (2011), Cardoso de Oliveira (1978; 2000) as a theoretical contribution to analyze ethnicity. We opted for the case study – with non-indigenous people residing in Maracanaú – as a method used to achieve the proposed end through analytical generalization. Using semi-structured interviews, historical and documentary analysis of long duration and participant observation as techniques of data collection, comparing the empirical results. It is worth remembering that the case study proposes to investigate a contemporary real life phenomenon in depth (YIN, 2010). The complexity and totality of the case can be better understood from the use of various sources in the design of the data (VANCOCELOS 2016). Thus, we bring as a result of this research, in addition to the contribution with other researches – about the ethnicity and territorialization of the Pitaguaries, therefore, of the indigenous peoples of Ceará –, the registered complaint, via dissertation, against the systemic ethnic stigmatization, observable in the interethnic scenario of social relations (CARDOSO DE OLIVEIRA, 2000) in Maracanaú, reflecting a socio-historical situation, with respect to the indigenous peoples of Ceará – specifically the Pitaguary people. Desiring a dialogical, collaborative and critical epistemological proposal.



  • Data: Jul 29, 2020
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  • The present work has the objetive os analyzing the experiences of precarirous work of the social health agentes of the city or Fortaleza CE, in their interdisciplinary actions in the community. The issue starting from the panorama of the campaign in Fortaleza, a political conjuncture of the federal government. From the work portal, the health services have access to workers, the work environment and the housing and unsanitary conditions of the company’s workspace in the Ceará River region. Related to agente performance. Issues related to health and disease that affect the agentes are also based on the research. The union organization i salso the theme of this dissertation where theree organizations representing a Community of health agentes in Fortaleza are presented. Finally, the salary and economic profile of the category is analyzed.

  • Trabalho Contemporâneo e Adoecimento: uma análise dos Centros de Referência de Assistência Social de Maracanaú-Ce.

  • Data: Jan 22, 2019
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  • A Organização Mundial de Saúde destacou que os problemas de saúde ocupacional configuram-se como os maiores desafios da atualidade. O Observatório Digital de Saúde e Segurança do Trabalho registrou no município de Maracanaú-CE 1.126 auxílios-doença por acidente de trabalho no período de 2012 a 2016. A administração pública geral ocupa a sétima colocação geral com mais afastamentos. Em relação aos trabalhadores da política de assistência social a Norma Operacional Básica de Recursos Humanos visa assegurar um processo contínuo de valorização e cuidado com a saúde dos trabalhadores desta política pública. Objetivo Analisar em que medida aspectos relacionados ao trabalho podem impactar na saúde física e mental dos trabalhadores dos Centros de Referência de Assistência Social de Maracanaú – CE. Metodologia Estudo qualitativo e de corte transversal analítico com os servidores de nível superior que compõe o Serviço de Proteção Integral à Família. Para o estudo transversal analítico foi utilizado um questionário com base na Escala de Avaliação do Contexto de Trabalho com os trabalhadores que teve como objetivo obter informações relevantes de como é o contexto de trabalho nos CRAS. Para o estudo qualitativo realizamos entrevista individual que apreendeu aspectos relacionados à identidade, situações de trabalho, vivências e representações sobre o adoecimento. Os dados coletados foram categorizados através da análise temática, com auxílio da observação participante com registro em diário de campo. Resultados e Discussões A amostra estudada apresentou como perfil: 90,24% do sexo feminino; 78,04% são pardos/negros; 51% são casados; 48,78% possuem formação em serviço social; 82,92% possuem algum tipo de pós-graduação; 71,17% são servidores efetivos, com cargas horárias que variam de 40h a 24h; 56,1% possuem uma média salarial de 4 a 5 salários mínimos e o maior percentual de tempo de serviço na prefeitura é de 6 anos, com 19,51%; 56,1% da amostra disseram ter adoecido por conta das condições de trabalho. As doenças identificadas com maior recorrência foram ansiedade (26,09%), alergia (26,09%) e fadiga/estresse/estafa (21,73%). A percepção dos trabalhadores sobre seu contexto de trabalho apresentou indicadores críticos para os itens relacionados às condições de trabalho e organização do trabalho. Os itens das condições de trabalho que apresentaram indicador grave são: precariedade das condições de trabalho e instrumentos/equipamentos de trabalho insuficientes. O item da organização do trabalho que apresentou indicador grave foi: a insuficiência de trabalhadores para realizar os serviços. A pesquisa identificou que os trabalhadores percebem o seu trabalho como fonte de adoecimento. Que o cotidiano é cheio de desafios, sem que sejam dadas as condições de realização do trabalho. As péssimas condições de trabalho desencadeiam insatisfação e intensificação do trabalho. Conclusão Diante desse cenário e de uma redução no orçamento para o funcionamento do Sistema Único de Assistência Social para o ano de 2019 em 50% acreditamos que a degradação do trabalho e a ofertas dos serviços tenderão a piorar nos próximos anos, aumentando assim a possibilidade do trabalhador das unidades de CRAS adoecerem com maior frequência, caso não haja a recomposição orçamentária necessária.


  • Data: Jan 24, 2019
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  • O ensino profissionalizante e a formação integral são duas categorias que têm ganhado centralidade mediante diversas articulações governistas na promoção do desenvolvimento e da expansão desta modalidade de ensino – mais precisamente nos 14 últimos anos pelo Brasil. No Ceará, tendo 2018 completado 10 anos da criação e expansão das Escolas Estaduais de Educação Profissionais- EEEPs, a formação tem sido balizada por dois eixos: a cidadania e mundo do trabalho. Nesse estudo buscamos refletir como a formação integral é pensada/ construída por docentes em 2 EEEPs (Redenção e Pacatuba) no Ceará. As  escolas pesquisadas foram selecionadas pelo fato de ofertarem a integralização desde 2008 e  por sua maior proximidade da capital Fortaleza. Problematizamos: Como a formação integral – humanística e técnica – é possível dentro da realidade escolar nas EEEPs implementadas? Quais os desafios/implicações/motivações dessa modalidade no ensino médio a partir do habitus docente e escolar?. Nosso posicionamento epistemológico e teórico-metodológico parte da análise complexa e fenomenológica (TRIVIÑOS, 1987; MORIN, 2005; MACEDO; et. al, 2005; MELUCCI, 2005), utilizando de entrevistas semiestruturadas para compreender o habitus que se constrõe nas experiências das EEEPs (BOURDIEU, 1983). Discorremos sobre a formação integral na educação (PARO, 1999; FRIGOTTO, 2001; SAVIANI, 2003; KUENZER, 2005; GADOTTI, 2009), os diálogos entre educação e trabalho no ensino médio (GENTILI, 1995; SAVIANI, 2007; KUENZER, 2004; MOLL, 2009; CIAVATTA, 2005; RAMOS, 2011) e caminhos dados para a integralização no ensino médio (SAVIANI, 2008;  KRAWSYK, 2011, FRIGOTTO, CIAVATTA e RAMOS, 2012). Como resultado de pesquisa, os/as docentes pesquisados assimilam a formação integral numa aferição multidimensional e reflexiva dos estudantes, tomando o mundo do trabalho como finalidade e o diálogo direcionado para o mercado de trabalho e ensino superior. Esses/as apontam o trabalho como princípio pedagógico, evidenciando a integralização no ensino médio para amadurecimento dos/as estudantes diferenciarem e inserirem no mercado de trabalho. A integralização aponta implicações positivas para o trabalho docente, como desafio e diferencial na carreira, flexibilidade de atuação em disciplinas diversificadas e trabalho com projetos interdisciplinares e relações interpessoais pelo tempo de trabalho. E negativo pela hierarquização entre áreas, a dinâmica e tempo de trabalho e as pressões externas por resultados, bem como os resultados a nível Enem e Spaece. Concluímos que as experiências de formação integral imprimem diversas influências para o trabalho e identidades docentes nas EEEPs, na proporção em que as escolas Cearenses evidenciam novas configurações do trabalho integrado a dinâmica do ensino médio.


  • Data: Jan 28, 2019
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  • O objetivo central deste trabalho é analisar, em escala individual, a longevidade escolar de seis estudantes negros/as (quilombola e pardos) cotistas ingressos/as na Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-brasileira (UNILAB) via Sistema de Seleção Unificada (SISU), por meio das vagas reservadas para estudantes autodeclarados pretos, pardos ou indígenas, oriundos/as de escolas públicas (Lei nº. 12.711, de 29 de agosto de 2012). Tencionamos a reconstrução de suas disposições sociais, com ênfase nas configurações familiares e suas relações de interdependência com a escolarização formal. A entrada no ensino superior é considerada como indicador de sucesso escolar, mas se adota o conceito de longevidade escolar por se fazer mais evidente falar de percursos de escolarização duradoura do que apenas de sucesso escolar. Acessar a Universidade através de seleções rigorosas exige muito mais do que uma trajetória de sucesso, e sim, uma trajetória de sucessos subsequentes (que não excluem os percalços na formação), entre os diversos níveis da educação básica, desembocando na escalada dos altos muros do ensino superior público. A pertinência dada à reconstrução de disposições sociais deriva da problematização das origens sociais deste universo de estudantes que, em situação de longevidade escolar, atravessa e contesta as determinações estatísticas e sociais que relegam às camadas populares e às minorias políticas um lugar de fracasso provável na escolarização pela posse insuficiente dos capitais cultural, econômico e social. A proposta se situa em uma esteira de debates que recorrem à relação família-escola como fator de explicação do sucesso ou do fracasso escolares e os dados dela resultantes são potencialmente especiais por efeito do universo empírico e do destaque aos marcadores sociais étnico-raciais, pouco considerados pela literatura pertinente. A primeira aproximação com os/as estudantes se efetivou por meio de um questionário socioeconômico e cultural que nos proporcionou conhecer superficialmente os perfis individuais e familiares do grupo, abrindo espaço para o planejamento da etapa principal que se desenvolveu por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas e em profundidade. Desta forma, pudemos identificar um conjunto de configurações que possibilitaram a produção, potencialização e/ou transferência de disposições de longevidade, tais como a influência e apoio majoritariamente maternos, fortemente engajados no reconhecimento da educação como oportunidade de mobilidade social; a construção de relações de significado prático e positivo com a escola; o trabalho docente afetivamente engajado; a imersão em atividades culturais, científicas e intelectuais extraescolares no ensino fundamental e ensino médio; o ingresso no ensino médio profissionalizante e em tempo integral; e morais domésticas organizadas em torno da educação e da escola.


  • Data: Jan 29, 2019
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  • Partindo do pressuposto de que a partir do discurso é possível compreender o contexto sócio-histórico dos interlocutores como atores sociais, neste trabalho, nosso objetivo foi o de analisar como se atualiza a polêmica em torno da discriminação racial contra a população negra a partir de novos espaços, nas mídias sociais do domínio virtual, especificamente nas postagens no site de relacionamentos FACEBOOK. A polêmica se apresenta neste estudo como norteadora para a seleção do material a ser investigado e analisado, portanto, primeiro construímos o contexto discursivo em que aparecem e interpretamos as marcas que evidenciam a dicotomização, a polarização e a desvalorização do outro nesse contexto, características que marcam a polêmica, conforme Amossy (2011). Em seguida, procedemos as análises da discriminação racial nas mídias sociais com base nos estudos e teorias sociológicas dos autores descoloniais, entre eles Quijano (2005) e Fanon (2008), Mignolo (2008), Lugones (2014) e Mbembe (2014), para compreender os já ditos, preconcebidos, que são bases para os posicionamentos racistas, e como esses posicionamentos se atualizam nos novos espaços das mídias sociais. Como resultado, encontramos a atualização da modalidade argumentativa polêmica em dois modos distintos: a polêmica que se forma por meio de um comentário, através de uma notícia que tem um viés direcionado para determinada questão social e faz com que os actantes se posicionem; a polêmica que se desenvolve por meio do encadeamento de gêneros: de um vídeo é gerada uma notícia que gerou um meme que pode gerar outra notícia. Também encontramos a discriminação racial que ocorre no dia a dia transferida para o novo espaço de interação, a internet, que se dá principalmente partindo de estereótipos e sempre com a negação, através de uma discriminação velada. Além deste aspecto, também foi possível identificarmos que a discriminação racial pode ser interseccional, em alguns casos encontrados ocorre em razão da raça e também do gênero, no caso da mulher negra a imposição é dupla.


  • Data: Jan 30, 2019
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  • LGBTfobia is a serious problem that is present in Brazilian schools, especially beyond the public school. In this context, LGBT students are forced to leave school and at the same time are presented as students being evaded or transferred. In discussing this theme, this work looked for to analyze LGBTfobia in the reality of a school in the outskirts of Fortaleza. For this the research consisted of three phases, namely: (i) experiences, records and experiences of the participating researcher; (ii) reading of school documents and construction of the theoretical-methodological framework and (iii) examination of the positions, conditions and life experiences revealed by the subject (s) participating in narrative and trajectory discourses in confrontation with LGBTophobia in the school context. The analysis of the research data and its results show that, for the proposed study, LGBTfobia presents very clear marks within the educational process and the school conviviality, felt specifically by students that defy the norms in force regarding sexuality and patterns of gender identity and behavior. Recurring feelings of exclusion, negation and erasure existential and institutional are camouflaged and segmented into other aspects of the school context and therefore not counted in the statistics of school dropout and failure of LGBT students. The victims of LGBT phobic violence in this context are silenced and often prevented from understanding reality itself. In this way, the main brand that LGBTfobia corroborates, that is, the exclusion of gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transsexuals and transgenders, ends up being diverted or masked by issues such as the disinterest or the unfitness of the student (s) LGBTs. The results of the research allow us to observe, in addition to the generic statistics of school dropout and failure, aspects and nuances that the LGBTS students specifically face within the researched school, simply because they are subjects identities and sexual orientations disregard the heteronormative patterns of our society.


  • Data: Feb 4, 2019
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  • Esta dissertação, pautada na metodologia interdisciplinar em humanidades,
    vinculada ao Mestrado Interdisciplinar em Humanidades da Universidade da
    Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira – UNILAB, tem como objetivo
    geral pesquisar as experiências de trabalho para pessoas com autismo, mais
    especificamente na cidade de Fortaleza-CE. Especificamente dialogar com jovens
    adultos autistas que estão se preparando para entrar na universidade, universitários
    ou recém formados, para, a partir das memórias de suas experiências de vida
    individual e familiar, compreender o percurso de alguém com Transtorno do Espectro
    Autista (TEA) ao longo da vida e como tem sido seu acesso ao Mundo do Trabalho.
    O TEA é um transtorno de natureza biológica, o que em si mesmo já traz diversas
    limitações e dificuldades para jovens que desejam começar sua vida profissional,
    mas que também traz grandes dificuldades sociais como acesso à educação, saúde
    e trabalho. É um Transtorno Mental que exige olhar sobre seus mais diversos
    aspectos, visto que não é possível compreender e problematizar o autismo em
    fronteiras disciplinares. É preciso pensá-lo como uma condição biológica, mas
    também como uma condição que produz subjetividades e geram necessidades
    sociais para o indivíduo e para a família, colocando-o não só nos limites do cérebro,
    em seus aspectos biológicos, mas um cérebro inserido num contexto social, cultural
    e histórico. Busco, portanto, nesta pesquisa, a partir do diálogo por meio de
    entrevistas com autistas e instituições que os amparam, de um lado a descrição
    neurobiológica e neuropsicológica do TEA e por outro a problematização sociológica
    e psicológica como forma de entender quem são esses jovens e como estão
    relacionados ao Mundo do Trabalho atual. Entendendo, deste modo, que em Saúde
    Mental o método investigativo deve incorporar os conceitos de totalidade,
    historicidade, complexidade e contraditoriedade das formas materiais da vida em
    seus aspectos biopsicossociais.



  • Data: Apr 4, 2019
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  • The debates about identity in the contemporary world appear as a necessary element for the development of educational practices in countries with multiethnic and multicultural composition such as Brazil. In this context, the project "Roots of Brazil: the formation of the Brazilian people" was developed in the period from 2011 to 2016, in Fortaleza (CE), at EEEP Dona Creusa do Carmo Rocha, as an interdisciplinary and multicultural pedagogical intervention, starting from a perspective of intercultural practice. It has become necessary, then, to investigate to what extent it is possible, from such a project, to face cultural plurality and multi-ethnicity within a vocational high school, to the point of deconstructing the epistemological barriers of teachers, and instigating students to have a critical view of the social and racial issues that permeate their interpersonal relationships and their conceptions of the world, breaking with the Eurocentric and monocultural vision of the school curriculum. From this, was reached the main objective of this research which is to analyze the discourses of teachers and students of the EEE Dona Creusa do Carmo Rocha who participated in the project "Roots of Brazil: the formation of the Brazilian people", to verify the repercussions of this pedagogical project in the discursive construction of their identities and subjectivities within the school environment. To achieve this goal, it was sought to identify the power relations between teachers 'and students' discourses that legitimize knowledge and interfere in the construction of their subjectivities and identities, as well as to verify the most resistant epistemological barriers to interdisciplinary and intercultural practices in school. The chosen theoretical-methodological reference was the archaeogeneal analysis of the discourse from Foucault. For the construction of the data used, the techniques of: i) bibliographic; ii) documentary research, based on the Manual of Socio-Educational Entrepreneurial Technology (SEET) and the Political-Pedagogical Project (PPP) of EEEP Dona Creusa do Carmo Rocha; iii) participant observation; iv) questionnaire application; and v) semi-structured interviews. With an interdisciplinary perspective, this research followed its methodology through dialogues between some areas of the human sciences, It was found that the intercultural pedagogical praxis was able to stimulate an opening to break with the colonial epistemology in the researched school, from the dialogues between the identities of teachers and students.

  • Paisagens da seca em Pacatuba-Ceará 1845 - 1958. Controle social de retirantes, trabalho e política de socorros públicos.

  • Data: Apr 10, 2019
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  • El presente trabajo propone analizar el proceso de aglomeración de retirantes en la ciudad de Pacatuba, ocasionado por la migración durante la gran sequía que enfrentó al Estado de Ceará a finales del siglo XIX. La investigación preliminar propone abordar las condiciones sociales de vida y trabajo en medio de la perturbación y el desorden causado por el hambre y los desplazamientos que arrojaron a miles de familias al pie de la sierra de la Aratanha. Se busca investigar al hombre ya la mujer retirante como sujeto social frente al discurso oficial y reconocer su forma de vida y resistencia condicionada a una serie de dramas sociales. Para ello, el estudio de este proceso tiene un enfoque cualitativo en el procedimiento analítico de las fuentes y de las referencias bibliográficas: informes del ayuntamiento local; informes de la comisión de socorro público; del presidente de la provincia de Ceará; Rodolfo Teófilo (1992); Neves (2000), entre otros que contribuyen con la temática. Se destaca que la región de la sierra de la Aratanha fue un punto de atracción de retirantes debido a las obras públicas de construcción de la Estrada de Ferro de Baturité, emprendimiento provincial que aprovechó la capacidad productiva y la falta de oportunidades de los retirantes para expandir su construcción, además de ser uno de los caminos que conecta los sertões al centro del poder político y económico concentrado en la capital de la provincia.

  • Trabalho, secas e epidemias em Sobral-CE (1877-1925)

  • Data: Apr 29, 2019
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  • Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a relação entre o trabalho, a saúde pública e as doenças que acometeram a população cearense e sobralense nos períodos de estiagem, buscando estabelecer as formas de controle a partir de tais vertentes.  Para discorrer sobre tal problema de pesquisa, considerou-se o contexto no qual o Ceará estava inserido às épocas de secas, dento como delimitação os anos de 1877 a 1925. Esta delimitação de tempo faz-se necessária para compreender as diversas modificações e adaptações do processo de institucionalização da seca e das formas de socorros praticadas no desenrolar dos períodos. Compreende-se que o termo saúde pública engloba saúde coletiva, quando trabalhado na perspectiva de identificar variáveis de cunho social, econômico e ambiental que possam culminar no desenvolvimento de epidemias em determinadas regiões. Consideram-se no decorrer da pesquisa, as formas e tipos de adoecimentos, as políticas de gestão de diferentes classes sociais desenvolvidas pelo poder público frente às moléstias, medidas de saúde coletiva desenvolvidas pelo Estado e ações de caridade provenientes da Igreja Católica e demais esferas da sociedade. O estudo apresenta como fonte os seguintes dados: relatórios do Presidente de Província e Estado; os jornais A Lucta, Correio da Semana, Mão Negra, O Retirante, O Cearense, A República, O Cearense, Jornal do Ceará, e Diário do Ceará; e as obras A Seca de 1915, Varíola e Vacinação, História da Seca no Ceará (1878-1880), do farmacêutico Rodolfo Teófilo,  Salubridade, do médico Thomaz Pompeu de Sousa Brasil, e História das Secas – séculos XVII a XIX, do odontólogo e Inspetor Regional do Ensino Joaquim Alves; além dos relatórios da Santa Casa de Fortaleza 1877-1879, direcionados ao presidente da província e às revistas do Instituto do Ceará. Assim, problematizaram-se as ações no campo da saúde, que visavam combater epidemias e disseminação de doenças, tais como a varíola, febres e disenterias, principalmente, quando políticas e projetos relacionados ao tema eram utilizados como instrumentos de afirmação de hierarquias sociais e disciplinamento da população pobre. Desta forma, busca-se compreender como as formas de adoecimento contribuíram para a modificação e reorganização do espaço urbano sobralense a partir do processo de implantação da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Sobral e demais ações encabeçadas pela Igreja católica em Sobral, valendo-se dos dogmas da igreja e práticas de caridade como forma de tentativa de manutenção da ordem.


  • Data: May 20, 2019
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  • O presente trabalho analisa a formação docente e a interculturalidade no contexto do Programa Alfabetização na Idade Certa – PAIC, a partir da perspectiva das professoras alfabetizadoras de Aracoiaba-Ce. O PAIC é uma política pública do governo do Estado que está presente nos 184 municípios do Ceará desde 2007. Dentre as ações do programa está a formação continuada para os professores que tem uma caminhada de doze anos. Esta pesquisa busca compreender os limites e possibilidades da perspectiva intercultural nos contextos teóricos e práticos da formação contínua do PAIC e da prática docente em sala de aula em três escolas de ensino fundamental do município de Aracoiaba- CE (2007-2019). A abordagem metodológica utilizada foi à qualitativa numa perspectiva interdisciplinar, devido à complexidade do objeto de estudo. Para isso, utilizou-se como método de coleta de dados a entrevista, tendo como arcabouço teórico os seguintes autores: Minayo (1994), GALEFFI (2009), Chizzotto (2014), Gil (2007). Para discutir a formação docente, Imbernón (2010), Gatti (2011), Saviani (2009), Freitas (2014), Pimenta (2000), Marin (1995), Martins (2014), Nóvoa (2016), entre outros. Para refletir sobre a interculturalidade, os estudos de Quijano (2000), Santos (2009), Walsh, (2009,2010), Candau (2010, 2014). A pesquisa revela que o programa não traz dentro das formações a diversidade cultural no sentido de problematizar, discutir ou propor um trabalho sistematizado. O eixo do leitor aponta para uma possibilidade de diálogo entre as culturas com as coleções de paradidáticos Paic Prosa e Poesia que possuem histórias que podem contribuir neste sentido, pois abordam temas regionais como a figura do vaqueiro, cajueiro, Dragão do mar, o índio e trazem também a temática africana e foi muito citado pelas docentes como uma maneira de trabalhar a cultura.

  • Concurso público e desenvolvimento de capacidades na Guiné-Bissau.

  • Data: May 24, 2019
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  • This research is part of the african studies, use africans authors in investigation Houtondji (2008), analyzes the formation of the guinean State, Forrest (1993), post-colonial State and development, Chabel (1991) and development strategy in Guinea-Bissau, Sila (1992), uses interdisciplinarity as procedure Capes/Dav (2013), and discusses the issue of capacity develoment in Guiné-Bissau Lopes (2005) and (2004), through Public Tender and from the classic classic bureaucracy defined by Weber (1999); Bobbio, Matteucci and Pasquino, (1983). The work is new, analyzes the public tender from the period of independence to 2018. The research aims to Understand the relationships between the conduct of public tenders and the development of a nation-state. Understand the relationship between the implementation of an efficient Public Administration and quality in the Guinean nation-state in the context of post-independence and the development of its population. To know the impacts that the accomplishment of the public contests can have in the development of a State. To know at what time the independent State of Guinea-Bissau held its first competitions; Know how they were carried out and the sectors benefited. To know the impacts that the accomplishment or not of the public contests can have in the development of Guiné-Bissau. To find out why the Guinea-Bissau State conducts little public tenders. To apprehend the perception that Guineans, public servants and non-public servants have regarding the realization of public tenders and the development of the country. Identify legislation that deals with public tendering in Guinea-Bissau to find out how contests already carried out contribute to the professionalization and qualification of the services offered by the Public Administration. The work will be developed through a qualitative approach (documentary and field research), aiming the development of an exploratory research, and the use of bibliographical/theoretical research with queries to national books, scientific journals and articles searched on the Internet, INEP - National Institute of Studies and Research, Soronda while the top sources of research of the country, use the Constitution of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau (1996), the Collective of Administrative Legislation of Guinea-Bissau, Nora and Carvalho, (2007). And raising the following concerns or questions: What is the importance of public tenders for the professionalization of public services? What changes and impacts can the holding of public tenders have in the Guinean Public Administration? For such an inquiry, we hypotheses: the Public Tender arises to select the best public servants; contribute to capacity development. Failure to hold a Contest in Guinea-Bissau prevents technicians and more educated staff from occupying strategic positions for development in the Government.


  • Cultura como caminho de resistência: o Grande Pirambu a partir do Bumba Meu Boi

  • Data: Jul 5, 2019
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  • A presente pesquisa visa refletir sobre o grande Pirambu, comunidade litorânea de Fortaleza no estado do Ceará, através da manifestação tradicional do Bumba meu boi, que ganha na comunidade características peculiares, procurando identificar a resistência dos elementos afro-indígenas. A pesquisa analisa o boi enquanto símbolo e rito na formação da comunidade, o processo migratório que colaborou para a sua formação inicial e a constituição da brincadeira do Bumba meu boi, tal como ela se apresenta no território, refletindo sobre seus enredos, signos e símbolos afro-indígenas presentes no brinquedo. Também reflete sobre as pessoas nela envolvidas e como as mesmas se mantém como brincantes, apesar das necessidades de subsistência impostas pelo capitalismo na urbanidade. Este estudo identifica- se com uma metodologia interdisciplinar, buscando dialogar principalmente com a história, antropologia, sociologia e arte. Identifica-se também com os estudos decoloniais, compreendendo que estudar esta comunidade periférica é dar visibilidade a pessoas historicamente silenciadas, e cuja identidade cultural foi e ainda permanece sendo negada em detrimento da necessidade de fazer prevalecer a cultura eurocêntrica, mas que encontra no seio do seu território mecanismos de resistência, presente no seu modo de fazer, no seu cotidiano e nos elementos e significados que o acompanham.


  • OPA!


  • Data: Jul 30, 2019
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  • O capitalismo não está em crise. Ele é a própria crise. O modo de funcionamento desse sistema que tomou conta do planeta não pode ser outro, vai sempre fazer da morte fonte de mais lucro. Do século XIX para cá, fracassaram todas, absolutamente todas, as tentativas de controlar seu poder destruidor. O que tem se comprovado ao longo da história é que, não importa seu rosto, se fascismo ou democracia, capitalismo só gera mais capitalismo. Estudiosos alertam hoje em dia sobre o que povos inteiros já denunciavam há tempos com o dizimar suas carnes, almas e culturas: é a sobrevivência da humanidade que está em risco! Como um poder só pode ser derrubado por outro poder, grandes revoluções se sucederam ao longo do século XX. Infelizmente, perderam força com o passar das décadas e a roda da história voltou a girar com o capital em plena hegemonia. Foram muitas conquistas, muitos aprendizados. Entre estes, a compreensão de que a revolução, para se manter viva, precisa ser permanentemente revolucionarizada. Para tanto, faz-se imprescindível a construção de um poder que, nas condições presentes, já se apresente como um antipoder. Que signifique a participação direta da classe explorada e oprimida no anúncio de um novo tempo e no confronto necessário e incontornável com o poder que existe para negar vida digna às imensas maiorias, o poder privado. A esse mecanismo de libertação, de revolucionarização, chamamos Poder Popular. Muitas são as vivências desde a década de 1980 que apontam nesse rumo no Brasil e no mundo. Algumas se tornaram mais conhecidas, mas todas possuem igual importância quando o verbo é esperançar. A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo mostrar reflexivamente, através de seus principais aspectos organizativos, a tentativa de sete anos (2010 - 2017) feita pela Organização Popular (OPA), em sua fase germinal, no município de Aracati, litoral cearense.


  • Data: Jul 31, 2019
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  • O presente trabalho reflete sobre as experiências das pessoas atingidas pela hanseníase, através das memórias e narrativas dos sujeitos que vivenciaram o adoecimento de lepra/hansen que foram separados da convivência em sociedade. Entende-se a doença como fenômeno bio-social que incorpora e reafirma valores estruturados em sociedade hierárquica, desigual que constitui modos de ser e estar dos corpos em múltiplas culturas ao longo dos tempos em diversos espaços. Faz-se necessário para compreensão, utilizar os diversos saberes para além da disciplinaridade, contemplando história da saúde e da doença, antropologia, sociologia, as políticas públicas de saúde, revelando as formas de resistência individuais/coletivas desenvolvidas durante o período de segregação, bem como a articulação de movimento oficial. A extensão do isolamento dos acometidos pela lepra/hanseníase seguiu o tripé colônia/dispersário/preventório (CUNHA, 2005), foi além do internamento dos doentes, atingindo a todos os que com eles conviviam, os filhos sadios eram encaminhados aos preventórios/educandários em nome da proteção à sociedade. Entender as vivências dessa separação pela escuta dos que foram alocados no Educandário Eunice Weaver em Maranguape, Ceará, a partir do diagnóstico e internamento dos pais na Colonia Antonio Diogo é primordial para compreensão da extensão da política profilática da lepra/hanseníase.  Em 1928, instala-se o primeiro leprosário, denominado “Leprozaria Canafístula”, hoje Centro de Convivência Antonio Diogo, em Redenção. No isolamento, foram obrigados a se reinventarem para sobreviver, estabelecendo relações no cotidiano afetivas e profissionais, pois o espaço entre os muros reproduzia uma cidade, caracterizando a forma de controle encontrada em “instituições totais” (GOFFMAN, 1961). Com a possibilidade de cura e retorno à sociedade, os ex-pacientes da hansen, em busca de direitos e de uma vida digna, organizam-se na década de 80 na entidade MORHAN – Movimento de Reintegração das Pessoas Atingidas pela Hanseníase. Pretende-se com foco nas memórias, entrevistar os participantes do isolamento na Colônia, líderes do MORHAN do Núcleo Redenção e dos internados no Educandário Eunice Weaver, que hoje buscam a reparação do Estado pela separação da família.

  • Gênero e Trabalho no Maciço de Baturité: protagonismo, poder e artesanato de mulheres.

  • Data: Jan 9, 2018
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  • This research seeks to give visibility to ordinary women as protagonists of history, where they are often hidden: it has always been possible to speak, define, explain, but not always listen; affirms the importance of promoting gender studies that break with universalist and exclusionary conceptions, emphasizing feminist and interdisciplinary research in producing knowledge. Against the current vicissitudes of the world of work it is necessary think about women's occupations, their peculiarities and their challenges. Being multiple activities possible to be exercised by women problematizes the artisanal sphere. Therefore, this study aims at understanding the protagonism of the artisans participating in associations in the Maciço de Baturité - CE, analyzing in the craftsmanship different exercises of women power in the place of professional performance. The methodological approach of the research is qualitative, using the resource of participant observation and semi-structured interviews of life narratives, highlighting the choice of sharing knowledge between researcher and researched. In the perspective of building knowledge from narrated experiences, this work speaks of women producing pieces, commercializing, creating, socializing, finally, making handicraft an economically and culturally referenced activity in our society, but above all, recognition, manifestations and uses of power by women.

  • A relação Universidade e Sociedade em comunidades camponesas com conflitos ambientais: o olhar dos moradores da comunidade do Tomé, Chapada do Apodi, Ceará.

  • Data: Jan 12, 2018
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  • Já há algumas décadas, há um avanço das fronteiras de acumulação capitalista sobre os territórios camponeses no Brasil, gerando injustiças e conflitos sociais e ambientais (MARTINS, 1981). O quadro de conflitos e as denuncias por movimentos sociais organizados e por moradores de comunidades atingidas chamam a atenção de pesquisadores e grupos de pesquisa de diferentes universidades públicas no país – a exemplo de grupos da UFC, da UFMG, da UFMA – que reagem com uma série de ações acadêmicas nesses territórios. Nesta perspectiva, considerando um conjunto de reflexões acerca das relações existentes entre Universidade e comunidade, cumpre indagar: Como tem se dado as ações das universidades nessas comunidades que vivenciam conflitos ambientais? Como os sujeitos da Universidade se relacionam com os sujeitos e os saberes da comunidade e que estratégias buscam para a efetivação de ações relevantes para o contexto comunitário? O que pensam os moradores dessas comunidades acerca de tais ações? Neste cenário, esta pesquisa intenta compreender os desafios, os limites e as potencialidades da atuação da Universidade em comunidades camponesas com conflitos ambientais, a partir do olhar dos moradores da comunidade do Tomé, Chapada do Apodi, Ceará, acerca de ações realizadas entre 2007 e 2017. Nossa definição do universo da pesquisa passou pela compreensão de que o conflito instalado nessa comunidade, situada na macrorregião cearense do Baixo Jaguaribe, é um caso representativo dos conflitos ambientais que se multiplicam no país e a comunidade do Tomé se transformou no epicentro dos conflitos na região, principalmente, pela atuação de Zé Maria do Tomé, agricultor e liderança nesta comunidade, assassinado em 2010. Considerando a perspectiva reflexiva da relação Universidade e Sociedade e a análise do olhar dos moradores acerca das ações da Universidade, o viés metodológico desta pesquisa fundamentou-se na articulação entre i) observação participante; ii) entrevistas semi-estruturadas; iii) análise de um texto teatral; iv) pesquisa bibliográfica (OLIVEIRA, 2007), compreendendo, principalmente, o estudo da produção acadêmica relacionada aos conflitos ambientais na região do Baixo Jaguaribe, na Chapada do Apodi e, especificamente, na comunidade do Tomé, entre os anos de 2007 e 2017 (RIGOTTO, 2011; ROCHA, 2013; SILVA, 2014) e a produção teórica sobre comunidades camponesas (MARTINS, 1981; 1989; 1993), sobre educação e emancipação (FREIRE, 1977; 2005; SANTOS, 1991;2006) e sobre Universidade (RIBEIRO, 2003; SANTOS, 2013). Nossa hipótese é que a experiência dos moradores – que participaram, tiveram conhecimento ou apenas ouviram falar sobre as ações da Universidade em sua comunidade – pode oferecer elementos para avaliar o que foi realizado e para arquitetar uma práxis acadêmica mais democrática, socialmente referenciada e comprometida ética e politicamente com as transformações sociais na direção da liberdade, da justiça ambiental e da emancipação do ser humano.

  • Projeto Consciência Negra da Escola Mário Schenberg 2014-2016:
    possibilidade pedagógica de descolonização do currículo e

  • Data: Jan 12, 2018
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  • No Brasil, a Lei 10.639/03 estabelece a obrigatoriedade dos conteúdos relativos à história e cultura africana e afro-brasileira no currículo da educação básica. De acordo com a lei, o conteúdo programático a ser considerado deve incluir, ainda, aspectos relativos à luta do povo negro brasileiro e suas contribuições para a formação da sociedade nacional e promover o ‘Dia Nacional da Consciência Negra’.  Durante o período de 2014 a 2016, desenvolvemos na escola, por iniciativa dos professores (as), uma série de atividades relacionadas às questões étnico-raciais através do Projeto Consciência Negra. A pesquisa que ora desenvolvemos se coloca como uma possibilidade de escuta dos sujeitos da escola, no sentido de compreendermos as questões que envolvem os temas raça/racismo, a partir das suas contribuições individuais e coletivas, partindo da hipótese de que a negritude é um processo em construção. Por meio de uma abordagem crítico-reflexiva e considerando a escola um espaço em movimento, propício à produção de novos sujeitos e a uma práxis revolucionária, pretendemos revisar aspectos conceituais, epistemológicos, pedagógicos e políticos implicados na ideia de raça/racismo, onde o pensamento decolonial (ARIAS, 2010), (WALSH, 2009), (GROSFOGUEL, 2007, 2008, 2013) e (QUIJANO, 2000) entraria como pressuposto metodológico principal. Para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho, utilizamos a pesquisa qualitativa, documental, bibliográfica, autobiográfica e participativa, através de uma perspectiva transdisciplinar, onde a prática dialógica de (FREIRE, 1987) significa um recurso para a abordagem dos sujeitos da pesquisa e do conhecimento produzido pelos mesmos, principalmente quando propomos trabalhar com os “círculos de cultura”.  A principal referência bibliográfica para desenvolver minha autobiografia se dá através dos estudos de (SOUZA, 1983). O racismo é conduzido pela mão de (CÉSAIRE, 1978) e a partir de (QUIJANO, 2000) abordaremos a questão da raça. As Diretrizes Curriculares, através de seus princípios, colocam para as escolas a possibilidade de entender os dispositivos normativos da Lei 10.639/03, não apenas como uma política de reconhecimento e valorização da história e cultura negra, que não deixa de ser extremamente relevante, mas abre a possibilidade para que sejam repensadas identidades, portanto dos (as) profissionais de ensino poderem abordar questões relativas à raça e ao racismo, temas centrais nesta pesquisa.

  • Capacitação em artesanato: uma visão crítica face ao modelo gerencialista e uma experiência junto ao grupo de bordados na Linha da Serra, Guaramiranga-Ce

  • Data: Jan 19, 2018
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  • The research discusses training projects aimed at crafts and their homogenizing practices, aligned with practices that have as a concept the factory production ideal in product development, which ends up generating a subaltern producer, disorganizing the local social dynamics when retiring from the area. It points out the importance of art in the formation of citizens more aware of themselves and of the world around them, discussing the exclusivist aura that is generated by reserving art for the few elected, as well as their elitism for dilettantes, bringing the focus to the individual processes creations as a possible way to a training that breaks with the creative vicious cycle that is formed by taking a designer and an aesthetics alien to groups of artisans. It adopts as methodology the action research in the search for understanding the production of subjectivities and for performing a non-invasive practice that, starting from the subject, was able to boost individual creative processes. These goals led us to the community of Linha da Serra, in the region of Guaramiranga-Ce, where the proposed cultural action was developed, which resulted in the creation of a proper and authorial aesthetic. At the end, discussion groups were organized in order to evaluate the adopted methodology.



    Entre Indícios e Vestígios dos Tempos da Ditadura Civil Militar em Parnaíba-PI

  • Data: Jan 19, 2018
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  • O presente texto, trata-se de uma investigação interdisciplinar em humanidades, na qual, utilizou-se como fio condutor os pressupostos epistemológicos do paradigma indiciário de Carlo Ginzburg (1989), para pesquisa e escrita da dissertação do Mestrado Interdisciplinar em Humanidades da Universidade da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira – UNILAB. Nosso objetivo geral compreendeu a análise do Inquérito Policial Militar em Parnaíba - PI processo crime contra o Estado e a Ordem Política e Social, instaurado após o golpe civil militar que ocorreu no Brasil em 01 de abril de 1964, mediante as pistas e vestígios deixados à margem da história oficial contada pela classe dominante, para averiguar o que levou estudantes e sindicalistas serem considerados subversivos. Inspirados em Ginzburg (1989), que analisou meticulosamente o processo crime de Menocchio, moleiro friulano queimado por ordem do Santo Ofício durante a Inquisição, analisamos o IPM, seguindo as pistas e vestígios infinitesimais deixados nas minúcias do processo, contrapondo dialeticamente com as narrativas do tempo presente de Ademir Alves de Melo, um dos 34 indiciados do IPM, acusado de subversão à ordem política social. Entrelaçando a todos os outros depoimentos dos demais acusados nos Termos de Perguntas ao Indiciado (TPIs) (IPM nº 349, 1964). Confirmando a importância do trabalho com a História Oral, uma vez que os sujeitos excluídos pela “História Oficial” dos IPMs têm a possibilidade de narrar suas memórias contra hegemônicas (GRAMSCI, 1979) e desta forma, “[...] escavando os meandros dos textos, contra as intenções de quem os produziu, podemos fazer emergir vozes incontroladas” (GINZBURG, 2007, p. 11), sobre as possíveis outras histórias da ditadura civil-militar em Parnaíba-PI. E assim como os processos foram notoriamente esquadrinhados pelos militares, reanalisar e aliar os mesmos a história oral daqueles que contribuíram para construção dos fatos naquele período, colaborou com o debate político de disputa da memória dos tempos da ditadura civil-militar em Parnaíba/Piauí, evidenciando que sindicalistas e estudantes foram considerados subversivos, por serem ativos na luta travada entre a classe trabalhadora e o capital.

  • Instituição, implementação e revogação da Lei 10.693/03: uma discussão genealógica. 

  • Data: Jan 22, 2018
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  • Law 10.639, of January 9, 2003, and Law 11.645, of March 10, 2008, established in the Brazilian school curricula the obligation to teach African, Afro-Brazilian and indigenous history and culture. From the laws, public and private schools were entrusted with rescuing the contributions of these peoples in all aspects to the formation of the Brazilian nation (BRASIL, 2003; BRASIL, 2008). Laws represent an achievement for all of society, as a historical right that was denied to all Brazilians and in the fight against the mistaken belief of the existence of an ethnic racial democracy (MUNANGA, 2000). In this work, it is proposed to examine the genesis of the emergence of Laws 10.639 / 03 and 11.645 / 08 seeking to understand them historically from the forces that gave rise to the institution of an educational project that precedes the creation of such laws. It is intended to systematize the link between political relations and historical and cultural conditions, crucial issues to the proposal of a genealogical approach (FOUCAULT, 1979), which presents itself as a methodological strategy (FOUCAULT, 1979), aiming to problematize The social practices, seeking to map the fragments that allow to know the genesis of the institution of this educational project focused on a proposal of education for racial ethnic relations (MUNANGA, 2000).

  • A Reforma Agraria no Brasil vista a partir do Assentamento Antonio Conselheiro, Ceará (1960-2010)

  • Data: Jan 25, 2018
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  • O trabalho aborda a questão agrária no Brasil durante a gestão Lula. Objetiva compreender o que é a questão agrária no Brasil e como ela evoluiu. Utiliza a metodologia de analise bibliográfica e documental. Problema: O que é e como evoluiu a questão agrária no Brasil?


  • Data: Jan 29, 2018
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  • This research aims, in general, to analyze the social representations about racism (re) produced in the discourse of Mozambican students in UNILAB/CE, considering the structural and thematic organization of referred representation and its conditions of intergroup production. From the theoretical point of view, to fulfill this objective, two central conceptual requirements were mobilized: (i) the assumptions of the Theory of Social Representations, based on the studies of Moscovici (1976), Jodelet (2001), Abric (1994) and Doise (2001), among others, and (ii) the discussions on racism and ethnic-racial relations, from studies of Munanga (2003), Nogueira (2006), Guimarães (2009), van Dijk (2010), Monsma 2016), and others. From the methodological point of view, a sociodiscursive approach was developed, of a qualitative nature, to analyze the corpus coming from sociocognitive evocations, coming from the application of Free Association Test Words, and from life narratives, collected from open interview. This material was interpreted in three stages, namely: (i) analysis of the lexical vectors that structurally organize the analyzed representation, (ii) description of the elements that thematically summarize the dimensions of the representation in question and (iii) examination of the positions that reveal the conditions of intergroup production revealed in the participants' discourse. Finally, from the analytical point of view, the results showed that, for the social group analyzed, racism is represented as a type of prejudice and discrimination against black people that corroborates mechanisms of exclusion, keeping they away from access to resources available in society. These results allowed us to observe, in addition to the structural, thematic and intergroup elements of representation, aspects of participants' subjectivity, such as the development of institutional racism experienced in Brazilian lands, based on experience as students in UNILAB/CE.

  • Muçulmanos africanos no Ceará: narrativas e práticas religiosas contemporâneas

  • Data: Jan 30, 2018
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  • A presente dissertação tem como objetivo compreender como ocorrem as práticas religiosas de muçulmanos de Guiné Bissau, nas cidades de Acarape e Redenção, e os sentidos que eles atribuem às suas práticas, observando tanto a memória das práticas em seu país, quanto as diferenças notadas no local onde vivem. Os sujeitos desta pesquisa são estudantes da Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira – a UNILAB, e residem provisoriamente nos municípios citados, que são onde estão instalados os campi no Estado do Ceará. A partir da observação das reuniões do grupo em questão e de entrevistas com os sujeitos da pesquisa, busca-se a construção de uma narrativa etnográfica que analise as práticas religiosas da religião muçulmana como um dos elementos para a compreensão da complexidade que envolve os sujeitos que estão em trânsito, fora de seus países. A pesquisa colabora, ainda, para os estudos sobre a diversidade dos grupos islâmicos e do campo religioso brasileiro.

  • Os múltiplos sentidos da interdisciplinaridade: concepções e práticas docentes nas escolas públicas de ensino médio do maciço do Baturité.

  • Data: Jan 30, 2018
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  • A relação educação, ensino e interdisciplinaridade vem, desde a reformulação da Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional em 1996 (LDB 9.394/96), tendo destaque nas demais políticas educacionais que a sucederam. Refletir a perspectiva interdisciplinar como estratégia didática e mediadora do processo ensino/aprendizagem envolve, especialmente na educação básica: a) analisar as fronteiras impostas pela disciplinarização do conhecimento; e, em consequência disso, b) examinar a disposição dos conteúdos programáticos e as ínfimas condições de flexibilização dos currículos previamente estabelecidos. Decorre daí algumas inquietações: a interdisciplinaridade é, afinal, uma preocupação dos docentes da educação básica? Se sim, como tem sido pensada, trabalhada, desenvolvida no ambiente escolar? Enfim, como os professores refletem e desenvolvem ações consideradas por eles e pela escola como interdisciplinares? Este trabalho discute como a perspectiva interdisciplinar é percebida, planejada e vivenciada nas escolas públicas de ensino médio da macrorregião do Maciço do Baturité no Estado do Ceará a partir das práticas dos docentes deste nível de ensino. Foram realizadas visitas às escolas com o intuito de compreender como os grupos gestores encaram estas questões institucionalmente e, em sequência, foram realizados grupos focais nas escolas com professores de diferentes áreas do saber. Constatamos, ao longo da pesquisa, que o sistema de ensino apresenta vários desafios para a implementação da interdisciplinaridade e que quando esta é efetivada, consolida-se a partir da iniciativa pessoal e articulação coletiva entre os professores de cada disciplina, estabelecendo-se, prioritariamente, a partir de projetos extracurriculares e do uso criativo de “brechas” institucionais que o sistema de ensino oferece. 

  • The Black Presence in Aratuba: Memories and Healing Practices

  • Data: Jan 31, 2018
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  • Esta dissertação é um estudo sobre a participação negra na formação social de Aratuba, cidade interiorana do Ceará. No qual se enfatiza a significância das matrizes africanas na construção da cultura cearense, ao abordar as permanências de manifestações culturais no Maciço de Baturité, do qual Aratuba faz parte. Tem como ponto de partida a investigação histórica da presença negra no Estado do Ceará, buscando identificar espaços e experiências de manifestações de cultura negra em Aratuba para investigar as contribuições na formação social da região do Maciço de Baturité e, consequentemente, do Estado, problematizando a relação entre o negro e a escravidão, a construção identitária negra dentro de religiões de matrizes africanas, a partir do contato com rezadeiras e rezadores de Aratuba. A análise parte do pensar das diversas identificações dos indivíduos, desvinculado de conceitos ocidentais, dando visibilidade às sensibilidades, subjetividades e traços culturais com uma postura crítica e racional diante do estudo da formação identitária aratubense. Com isso não se objetivou quantificar a presença africana nessa cidade, mas dar visibilidade à presença do negro na fragmentação de identidades neste período de plena globalização, através das religiões de matrizes africanas, no hibridismo a partir da relação com o cristianismo, nas tradições preservadas para as gerações futuras.  Foram estas permanências visíveis na sociedade que nos fizeram conhecer através da sabedoria oral e pesquisas bibliográficas as persistências culturais que representam traços da presença e da cultura negra. 


  • Data: Apr 30, 2018
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  • I present here the factors that mobilize the user as a public served by the policy of Social Assistance through affections, taking into account their inclusion in a social condition of invisibility in the Brazilian political and economic scenario, and as members to demarcate seat in the Municipal Council of Social Assistance Maracanaú / EC. I verify how the official discourse justifies its participation, starting from the legal frameworks from the conception of Social Assistance as public policy in the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988 until the present time, specifying this participation in the municipality of Maracanaú / CE, city of the metropolitan region of Fortaleza. I believe that the participation of the user is configured in the legislation that governs Assistance as a structuring condition for the management of this public policy and that these users take to this deliberative instance a different experience of the other representatives, specifically because they are inserted in a context of ethical-political suffering, This concept is reflected by Bader Sawaia (2001; 2006; 2009; 2014) and portrays pain mediated by social injustices. I present the profile of these users who work at CMAS, including those who have been advisors, and who have been able to fulfill their mandates, as well as the implications that become political action in the management of Maracanaú / CE's Public Social Assistance Policy. For that, I performed documentary, newspaper and bibliographic research, as well as using the qualitative aspect inherent to the instrument generating affective maps (IGMA), adding to it a semi-structured interview script. From this, I analyze what prompted the users to participate in the Municipal Social Assistance Council, seeking to understand which interests mobilize them to participate in CMAS, including this participation and its implications in the process of emancipation of the subject in the management of the Public Policy of Social Assistance of Maracanaú / CE. I emphasize in this reflection that the sense of human-generic and "common" arises in everyday life as a regulatory idea of active political action, to announce active resistance against domination which can only exist in the power of the common and not in individualism, once that when men act in common, they end up discovering the increase of their strength to act and to exist. This sense is what empowers the subjects and encourages them to participate, forming a high intensity democracy.


  • Data: Apr 30, 2018
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  • A centralidade da presente dissertação é compreender as condições de trabalho das comerciárias de Redenção – CE, sendo este o objetivo geral desta pesquisa. Também sendo necessário debruçar-se sobre os objetivos específicos, a saber: (1) averiguar quais as afetações das transformações no mundo do trabalho sobre o dia a dia das comerciárias; (2) avaliar o cumprimento ou descumprimento com relação ao direito à saúde e os direitos trabalhistas e (3) analisar a presença ou ausência de assédio moral no cotidiano das comerciárias e as sintomatologias que as mesmas vivenciaram com interligação direta ao labor. Para serem analisadas as condições de trabalho das comerciárias, em conformidade com os dados das entrevistas, foi ressaltado o uso de uma abordagem epistemológica arrolada em um marxismo em constante movimento e no esquadrinhamento da análise crítica das contradições da realidade do capitalismo contemporâneo. Ao todo, foram cinco ex-comerciárias entrevistadas, sendo utilizados nomes fictícios para todas as colaboradoras, pois não foi possível a colaboração de comerciárias atuantes. A metodologia adotada neste trabalho foi elaborada a partir da pesquisa qualitativa de campo e bibliográfica paralelamente, na práxis que condiz com o método de Marx e Engels, no qual o método se constitui da unidade da investigação histórica e da exposição lógica dos resultados obtidos. A relevância deste estudo está na riqueza das falas das colaboradoras, que falaram não somente sobre seu passado como comerciárias, mas sobre uma parte de suas vidas, como mulheres, pobres e residentes em um município periférico, de um Estado e de um País também periférico, que permanece subalternizado pelas demandas e mandos do capital estrangeiro e de suas potências nacionais. Faz-se necessário concluir com a fala das ex-comerciárias, colaboradoras, que é impossível negar fatos, nos quais não é possível esquivar-se entre as linhas para que esta pesquisa seja o mais leve possível com relação à temática, pois ao partir da materialidade, do concreto, para depois serem trabalhados esses dados, é possível ter minimamente o dever da lealdade com as colaboradoras assim como estas devotaram confiança e abriram a realidade de precariedade e de humilhações vivenciadas no passado. O que foi encontrado foi mais um indício de trabalhadoras, mulheres, pobres e de regiões periféricas que sofrem intensamente as mazelas do capital em crise.


  • Data: Dec 20, 2017
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  • This dissertation is the result of a research that sought to realize the meanings assumed by the reading practices of young people from two public schools in Fortaleza who read literature on their own initiative, namely: Center for Integrated Child and Adolescent Care - CAIC - Maria Alves Carioca and the School of Primary and Secondary Education Doctor César Cals. For this, I tried to identify the literary texts read by young people, the subjective-social elements that mobilize literary interests, as well as to know the practices of literary reading carried out by them outside the school environment. Literature is approached from a plural perspective, contemplating different genres, acts, gestures, as a socially constructed practice, continually affected by social changes. I take advantage of the theoretical references presented by Roger Chartier to the questions related to reading practices by the sociologist José Machado Pais and educators Juarez Dayrell and Paulo César Carrano for questions concerning youths and by Michel Maffesoli to base the analyzes on the relations constructed in the contemporary, through the notion of sociality. With the interest in approaching youth experiences, I have the hypothesis that the relationships that young people establish with the literary field reveal elements of this universe. The idea of "conversation" is presented as a method in this research, while free and even silenced words occur in casual encounters with young people in school corridors and libraries and in meetings scheduled in " Conversation Wheels" format. They also compose the methodological course of this study, Narrative Interviews and the Notes present in the Diário de Campo. The intertwining of theoretical and empirical knowledge pointed out in this study a multiplicity of reading practices and experiences of young people with literature that express relationships of alterity before the texts they read, attuned to the complexity of what they experience.

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